On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Ronghai Wu <ronghai...@fau.de> wrote:

>  Hi Daniel,
> Thanks for your reply.
> My equations are :
> (2 * mu + Lambda) * u,11 + mu * u,22 + (mu + Lambda) * v,12 = 0
> (2 * mu + Lambda) * v,22 + mu * v,11 + (mu + Lambda) * u,21 = 0

Firstly, have you managed to solve the above equations using FiPy with
regular boundary conditions? I tried to solve these with periodic boundary
conditions and it didn't work very well. Non-standard boundary conditions
seem to be an unresolved issue with coupled equations.

> I implement as:
> mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx,dy=dy,nx=nx,ny=ny)
> u = CellVariable(name="u",mesh=mesh,hasOld=1,rank=0)
> v = CellVariable(name="v",mesh=mesh,hasOld=1,rank=0)
> mu = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh,value= 0.5 * E / (1. + nu))
> Lambda = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh,value=nu * E / ((1. + nu) * (1.-2.* nu)))
> zero = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh,value=0.)
> eq1 = DiffusionTerm(var=u,coeff=[[[2.*mu+Lambda,zero],[zero,mu]]]) + \
>            DiffusionTerm(var=v,coeff=[[[zero,mu+Lambda],[zero,zero]]])
> eq2 = DiffusionTerm(var=u,coeff=[[[mu,zero],[zero,2.*mu+Lambda]]]) + \
>            DiffusionTerm(var=v,coeff=[[[zero,zero],[mu+Lambda,zero]]])
> I want to constrain:
> u,2 + v,1 =0
> Lambda * u,1 + (2 * mu + Lambda) * v,2 = 0

I'm assuming that these constraints are the boundary conditions. I'm really
not sure how to apply these in a good way. I guess in the FEM these are
applied as constraints on the boundary and I'm not sure how to do this in
the FVM in a natural way. I'll try and revisit this in the future when/if I
create an elasticity example for FiPy.

Sorry that I can't be more helpful.

Daniel Wheeler
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