Hi Rose,

I was trying to debug this and it seems like there is an inconsistency
between the left hand boundary and the analytical solution.

By my calculations A~1 and B~0, that makes the gradient of the line about
1, yet the left hand boundary condition expects a gradient of about 0.0666
(if C is close to 0 on the left hand side, which the analytical solution

There may still be issues with FiPy, but I'd like to resolve that one
first. I may also have gotten mixed up in the calculations, but I can't see



On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 4:55 PM, yuan wang <rose.w...@tufts.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
>> I tried to solve a problem with a Robin Boundary condition in fipy. The
>> physical problem is very simple, but I could not get the numerical solution
>> to match the analytical solution.
>> [image: Inline image 2]
>> Is there something wrong with the way I set up the boundary condition?
>> I've copied my script below and bolded the boundary condition lines. Thanks
>> for your help.
>> Best regards,
>> Rose
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> from fipy import *
>> L = 1.
>> nx = 100
>> dx = L/nx
>>  mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx,dx=dx)
>> zc = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>> Dm = 8e-6 # moleculer diffusion in water column
>> Dmp = 5e-6 # moleculer diffusion in porewater (corrected for tortuosity)
>> Dbw = 1e-5 # bioturbation in porewater
>> D = Dmp+Dbw
>> Cw=1e-3
>> Cl=1.
>> time = Variable()
>> beta = 1e-3
>> #*abs(numerix.sin(w*time))
>> # steadystate solution
>> A = beta*(Cl-Cw)/(D+beta*L)
>> B = Cl-A*L
>> Canal = CellVariable(name = "analytical solution steadystate", mesh=mesh,
>> value = A*zc+B)
>> C = CellVariable(name="concentration", mesh = mesh,value=0.)
>> *C.faceGrad.constrain(beta*(C.faceValue-Cw)/D, mesh.facesLeft)*
>> *C.constrain(Cl,mesh.facesRight)*
>> eqI =TransientTerm()==ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D)
>> viewer = Viewer(vars= (Canal,C))
>> dt = 864
>> while time()<86400:
>> time.setValue(time() + dt)
>> eqI.solve(var = C,dt=dt)
>> viewer.plot()
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