On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Fellinger, Michael <mfell...@illinois.edu>

>  Hi Daniel,
>  I installed FiPy on my Ubuntu system using the .deb instructions on the
> FiPy website:
> $ VERSION=x.y-z  # choose the version you want
> $ apt-get install gmsh libsuperlu3 python-central python-sparse
> $ curl -O 
> http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/download/python-fipy_${VERSION}_all.deb
> $ dpkg -i python-fipy_${VERSION}_all.deb
> I set VERSION=3.1-1. Is there any other information you need?

That's great. Thanks for getting back to me. The deb must somehow have
included stuff from my path. I'll try and get that fixed.

Daniel Wheeler
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