This sounds very much like a paper we worked on a few years ago:

Saylor et al. Predicting microstructure development during casting of 
drug-eluting coatings. Acta Biomater (2011) vol. 7 (2) pp. 604-613,

As I recall, there is no need to define a new gradient operator in practice, 
but rather you use FiPy to solve the transformed governing equation in the 
transformed space with its existing gradient operator. Wheeler might remember 
more of the details.

If h_curr(t) is a function of position as well as time, I'd be strongly 
inclined to impose an Allen-Cahn diffuse phase interface on top of your 
Cahn-Hilliard problem to describe that moving interface.

On Aug 18, 2014, at 7:53 AM, wrote:

> Dear FiPy developers,
> Actually I want to solve the Cahn-Hilliard equation for a multi-component,
> multi-phase flow. So, I am facing with a moving boundary problem. I am
> going to convert the problem to a fixed boundary one with a coordinate
> transformation. In this way, there is no need for remeshing.
> coordinate transformation:
> V = h/h_curr(t)
> gradient operator in the new coordinate system:
> NewGradOperator = e1(1/h_curr)(d/dV) + ei(d/dxi)
> where the first component is the direction along the height of the film.
> And use this NewGradOperator in Cahn-Hilliard equation instead of the
> normal grad operator.
> Is it possibile to do such coordinate transformation in FiPy? Any idea how
> to do that?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Regards,
> Hossein Sadeghi
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