On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Raymond Smith <smit...@mit.edu> wrote:

> I don't think that the boundary condition implementation should require a
> particular type of mesh or depend on the type of mesh used.

I agree with this.

Yun, Is the difficulty with your problem to do with creating a function
that identifies the boundary region or with expressing the boundary

> Then again, I don't think FiPy has circular meshes 'built-in', so you may
> end up needing to use Gmsh (
> http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/examples/diffusion/generated/examples.diffusion.circle.html),
> but I don't think that should be related to whether or not the boundary
> conditions are non-linear. Also, depending on your governing equations,
> no-flux boundary conditions are often linear. You haven't actually said
> specifically what equation(s) you're trying to solve and what boundary
> conditions you're trying to implement. More importantly, how are they
> different from those covered in the examples and usage documentation, such
> that you're not sure how to proceed?

Yun, is there an answer to this question?

Daniel Wheeler
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