On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Gaaß, Markus <markus.ga...@zae-bayern.de> wrote:

> First of all thank you for FiPy!

You're welcome.

> I am trying to transfer a simulation that I used to run in Matlab using the 
> pdepe solver to FiPy. It models heat and mass transfer in a packed bed 
> reactor and uses the following system of differential equations
> i)              eps_G * rho_G * du1/dt + m_G_dot * du1/dx                     
>                                  =          - m_GS_dot
> ii)             eps_S * rho_S * du2/dt                                        
>                                                  =          m_GS_dot
> iii)            eps_G * rho_G * c_P_G_ast  * du3/dt + m_G_dot * c_P_G_ast * 
> du3/dx          =          q_GS_dot
> iv)           eps_S * rho_S * c_P_S_ast  * du3/dt                             
>                                       =          - q_GS_dot + m_GS_dot * h_ads
> In FiPy I expressed this to my best knowledge as
> eqn1 = TransientTerm(coeff=eps_G*rho_G(u1), var=u1) + 
> ConvectionTerm(coeff=[m_G_dot,], var=u1) == -m_dot_GS(u1,u2,u3,u4)
> eqn2 = TransientTerm(coeff=eps_S*rho_S, var=u2) == m_GS_dot(u1,u2,u3,u4)
> eqn3 = TransientTerm(coeff=eps_G*rho_G(u1)*c_P_G_ast(u1), var=u3) + 
> ConvectionTerm(coeff=[m_G_dot*c_P_G_ast(u1),], var=u3) == q_dot_GS(u3, u4)
> eqn4 = TransientTerm(coeff=eps_S*rho_S*c_P_S_ast(u2), var=u4) == 
> -q_GS_dot(u3, u4) + m_GS_dot(u1,u2,u3,u4) * h_ads(u2,u4)
> eqn = eqn1 & eqn2 & eqn3 & eqn4
> You realize that some of the coefficients themselves depend on some or all of 
> the solution variables.
> Doing this and then calling “solve” for the combined equation like so
> for t in range(100):
>     u1.updateOld()
>     u2.updateOld()
>     u3.updateOld()
>     u4.updateOld()
>     eqn.solve(dt=1.e-3)
> I get an assertion error that I interpret as some vectors not being of equal 
> length
> 253         assert(len(id1) == len(id2) == len(vector))

This indicates that there's some problem in building the matrix. This assertion 
only happens when SciPy is being used for the solvers. It's possible (although 
I don't think so) that we don't support coupled solutions with SciPy. Can you 
try PySparse or Trilinos?

> I would really appreciate help on the actual error but just a much also 
> general remarks on how this should be treated.
> Although FiPy’s documentation is very extensive, in my case the factors of 
> being rather new to numerical methods and to python are a disadvantageous 
> combination that makes progress rather slow and weary. I went through the 
> examples but had the impression that something was always missing. Either 
> there was no convection term or there was no transient term or there was no 
> combined equation.

What you are doing is OK, but presently there is no implicit coupling between 
the equations; eqn1 is only in terms of u1, eqn2 is only in terms of u2, etc. 
You have expressions like m_dot_GS(u1,u2,u3,u4) that are explicit functions of 
all variables, but that doesn't affect the matrix that's built; those terms all 
go to the right-hand-side. The result is a matrix that is block diagonal; that 
should solve, but doesn't gain anything over solving each of the equations in 

In fact, try that:

for t in range(100):

Do you get any errors?
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