
>> I have also attempted to dump (pickle) cell variables, but a post processing 
>> single core script is unable to read the dump file (tried a few months ago, 
>> forgot the error).
> Looking back at your post from August, I think Daniel fixed this issue
>  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.fipy/3550/focus=3562
> Currently available (and waiting for me to merge) here: 
> https://github.com/wd15/fipy/tree/issue412-pickle_comm
> Can you try again?

Running on 8 cores I'm able to save a file via fp.dump.write(cTemp, 
'filename.dump'). Before dumping I printed cTemp.shape.. it was (14385,). The 
variable is on a mesh derived from a 3D .geo file.

From the command line I run python (same version as run on the cluster), load 
the .dump file and the size is 

>>> cTemp.shape
(89833, 14385)

If I try to put this into a viewer:

v=fp.VTKCellViewer(cTemp, title='temp K')

the process starts to consume huge amounts of memory.

For grins I did:

>>> um=cTemp[0]

>>> um

>>> um.shape

I can save um, via the vtk viewer and v.plot('filename.vtk')... this is from 
the command line after logging into the cluster via ssh -X. I am able to load 
that file into Mayavi2 but I only see a section of my total geometry.

So, it's kind of there, but not quite. I'd be glad to send my .geo file and 
relevant code under private email.



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