Thanks a lot, Ray.

I’ll be taking a look at all of this today. Thanks, for sharing the 
information. Best of luck with your problems going forward. I’m hoping I will 
be able to stick with FiPy for a while with my current problems. 


On Dec 6, 2014, at 10:23 AM, Raymond Smith <> wrote:

> Hi, Kyle.
> I've pasted my transient script here and attached the file. The script shows 
> how I selected a different solver algorithm and how I did sweeps in the 
> transient steps, much like the "uncoupled" version of the coupled diffusion 
> example. That said, I wouldn't trust the way I managed the time step size in 
> that file. It works for the specific case I solved, but the way to adjust the 
> time step can be very problem specific, and I don't think my time step 
> halving is even doing the right thing in that example. I haven't updated that 
> problem much because it was a toy example problem to see if FiPy might be an 
> appropriate tool for the types of problems I was working on (unfortunately, 
> the answer to that became to do my own spatial discretization so I could use 
> a more sophisticated time stepping algorithm).
> Hope this helps,
> Ray
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Kyle Briton Lawlor <> 
> wrote:
> Hi, Ray.
> I am wondering if you might be willing to share your code with me. I am 
> curious to see how you handled sweeping, with the transient terms of your 
> equations for the electrolyte problem. I am also interested to see how you 
> switch the GMRESSolver and if this might help me with my problem. I’ll leave 
> it to you to decide if you want to share this is the mailing list, if it all.
> Best,
> Kyle
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