On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Kyle Briton Lawlor
<klawlor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Daniel.
> Is the function .getGrad() built to handle irregular meshes as well?

It handles irregular meshes but the accuracy decreases based on the
reduction in mesh orthogonality and conjunctionality.

> I’ll be honest I have no intuition for what is meant by the first index being 
> the “direction” and the second index being the direction for the gradient 
> operator.

Another way of writing a vector on a discretized domain is

    x_i [j]

where the i refers to the Cartesian direction and the [j] is the
discretized cell index. In FiPy, that correstponds to x[i, j], the
cell index is always the last index. If we take the gradient of x, we

   \partial_k x_i [j]

and in FiPy that corresponds to x.getGrad()[i, k, j]

Daniel Wheeler

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