I understand what you mean about it being simpler, but I tend not to work in 
1D, because it can be misleading. You've got combinations of even-order and 
odd-order terms that don't make much sense to me if you think about them in 
higher dimensions. Using \nabla instead of (\partial / \partial x) makes it a 
bit clearer whether you're working with vectors or scalars.

If u and w are scalars, then (\partial u/partial x) is a vector and it doesn't 
make any sense to add (\partial^4 w\partial x^4), a scalar, to (\partial 
u/\partial x)(\partial^2 w / \partial x^2), a vector.

On Feb 10, 2015, at 12:20 AM, Kyle Briton Lawlor <klawlor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, FiPy. 
> I am presently working with a set of coupled 1D pde’s.
> Images with the equations are attached at the bottom of the email.
> The first image shows the equations.
> The second image shows the equations with a “sketch” of how I might write the 
> terms in FiPy and some questions I have.  
> Roughly, the equations are solving for displacements of a line subject to 
> compressive stress.
> Eventually I would like to model the two-dimensional problem.
> However, I figure 1D is a good starting point as the 1D eq’s are quite 
> complicated themselves. 
> Hopefully it is feasible to solve the 1D problem in FiPy.
> In the paper I’m referencing for these evolution equations, they solve using 
> a finite difference method.
> The two main variables in the problem as you can see in the pde’s are w and u.
> w is the lateral displacement and u is the on-axis displacement.  
> As you can see in the equations, there are quite complicated coefficients on 
> a few of the terms. 
> Also there are two terms in particular that I am not sure how to write. (See 
> the second image; Term 1 and Term 2).
> I have not started coding up this problem, but I think some preliminary 
> guidance could be useful.
> This is a broad question but is solving these equations with FiPy feasible?
> Look forward to hearing responses.
> Thanks,
> Kyle
> <Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 11.59.39 PM.png>
> <Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 11.59.58 PM.png>
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