On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Gopalakrishnan, Krishnakumar
<krishnaku...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear Dan,
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> In the 'hacked' source term to handle this special boundary condition, i.e.
> fp.ImplicitSourceTerm((mesh.faceNormals * implicitCoeff *
> mesh.facesRight).divergence)),
> my implicitCoeff turns out to be also a function of the x-coordinates of the
> system.
> implicitCoeff = x * D * beta/((1 - beta*dx/2))
> The fact that we are applying this source terms to the right face throws me
> off, a bit.  Usually, sources (i.e. generation terms) are defined at the
> nodes, right ?

Well, in the cell centred FV method everything is really "solved" at
the cell centers or associated with the cell. The "implicitCoeff" is a
face variable so it can change based on position.

> Consequently, the ‘x’ in my implicitCoeff is  x = mesh.cellCenters[0], right
> ?  (And, NOT x = mesh.FaceCenters[0])

Looking back over the previous email, the "implicitCoeff" is neither a
cell or face variable

   implicitCoeff = -D * k / (1. - k * dx / 2.)

It's just a single value, I think. If you want to make that quantity
depend on position then you can make it a face variable and also make
it dependent on spatial positions of the faces.

> The reason why I ask is, with your trick, we have zeroed out the diffusion
> coefficient at the right face, and instead applying the trick you had
> proposed by turning the boundary condition to the divergence of the
> ImplicitSourceTerm applied  to the right boundary by the Boolean
> mesh.facesRight.  Despite the fact that at first glance, ‘x’ looks like
> mesh.FaceCenters[0],  keeping with the concept of generation terms defined
> only at node locations,  the ‘x’ in my sourceterm coefficient must be x =
> mesh.cellCenters[0].

The "implicitCoeff" needs to be defined at the faces as it's inside a
divergence. It won't work otherwise. You may need to think carefully
how to zero out the diffusion coefficients on the faces for 2D, but
that can also be achieved based on spatial position.

Daniel Wheeler

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