Hi Nils,

Could you possible post your code so I can play around with it? I
can't think offhand what could be the issue or exactly what the error
is that you're calculating, it seems like the normalized residual or
something. This is a linear equation so I'm not entirely sure why the
non-linear residual wouldn't be very close to zero if the linear
solver is converging. Probably best just to see the code rather than



On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Nils Becker
<nils.bec...@bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> hi,
> i scanned the list and the documentation but have not been able to make
> this work properly yet:
> i have a 2D pde of the form
> \[
> \partial_t \rho =  \nabla \cdot (\rho \nabla \phi) + D \nabla^2 \rho +
> \lambda \rho
> \]
> where phi is a potential field and lambda is a source field, both are
> constant in time and smoothly varying in space.
> i have been solving this with fipy, using
> DiffusionTermCorrection(coeff=[D,]) for the diffusion
> PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=v ) where v = -phi.grad for the advection
> ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=lambda) for the source
> the boundary conditions are either no-flux or dirichlet. i think
> advection is dominant, although i can't say i have actually tried to
> quantify that.
> i am testing the solution by subtracting the rhs and lhs of the equation
> and comparing that to \partial_t \rho in magnitude. i am having trouble
> making this error smaller than around 10%: at points where the density
> grows strongly, the solution deviates.
> at the moment i am using a loop like this:
>     for (st, stnext) in zip(Solve.sample_t, Solve.sample_t[1:]):
>         for tt in nx.arange(st, stnext, Solve.step):
>             rho.updateOld()
>             res = 1.
>             while res > Solve.tolerance:
>                 res = eq.sweep(var=rho, dt=Solve.step)
> i've played around with making the mesh smaller -- did not seem to make
> any difference; reducing the tolerance -- some effect, and reducing the
> temporal step size, which did not help much.
> should i be doing something differently?
> thanks for any help!
> n.
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