
> On Sep 16, 2016, at 2:18 PM, Raymond Smith <> wrote:
> A side note, here it may actually be more convenient to think about the D in 
> terms of the volumes, so you could also define it as a cell variable with 
> values specified as D1 when x<=1 and D2 when x>1, then use the 
> harmonicFaceValue attribute when you put it into the governing equation to 
> have FiPy do this calculation for you and avoid awkward use of the mesh 
> spacing in the specification of the variable values.
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Raymond Smith <> wrote:
> Hi, Ian.
> I don't think there is such a thing as having two different flux coefficients 
> at the same face for the same governing PDE. The flux through a given face is 
> calculated by the coefficient at that face times some approximation of the 
> gradient in a field variable at that face, like
> D * grad(c),
> both evaluated at the face, so there is only one coefficient in that 
> expression. And in the FiPy FV approach D doesn't come into play at all 
> except at the faces, so it can't change immediately to the right or left of a 
> face but only from one face to the next.
> That said, perhaps you could try following a common approach used when a FV 
> interface is directly between two bulk regions with different continuum 
> properties -- use some sort of a mean of the continuum transport coefficient 
> in the adjacent volumes as the approximation for the coefficient at the face. 
> I would suggest the harmonic mean (one simple reason: it preserves zero flux 
> through the face if either of the adjacent cells has a zero coefficient). You 
> could try:
> Dint = 2*D1*D2/(D1+D2)
> Coefficient.setValue(Dint, where=((1.0-dx/2 < 1D_mesh.faceCenters[0]) & 
> (1D_mesh.faceCenters[0] < 1.0+dx/2)))
> If you do that, you should see a change in the slope of the field variable 
> right near the face between the two bulk regions, which seems to be what 
> you're missing. Of course, ideally your mesh is fine enough that the dx is 
> insignificant in terms of the solution, but this is a common approach to get 
> a slightly more reasonable estimate for what happens between two regions.
> Best,
> Ray
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Campbell, Ian <> 
> wrote:
> Hello All,
> We have a uniformly spaced 1D mesh of length 2.0, wherein a standard elliptic 
> diffusion equation (\nabla. (D \nabla \phi) = f is being solved.
> The diffusion coefficient, D, changes sharply at x = 1.0. Although this is 
> quite similar to examples.diffusion.mesh1D,  there is a key difference:
> We are seeking an instantaneous change in the coefficient value at that face, 
> i.e. something of the effect that on one side of the face (i.e. from x = 0 up 
> to and including x = 1.0) diffusion coefficient D has a value D1.  Then there 
> is an abrupt change in diffusion coefficient from x >= 1.0 (very notable, 
> including the face at x = 1.0) and for the remainder of the mesh, diffusion 
> coefficient D has a value D2.  Currently, we have to either decide on whether 
> the single face at x = 1.0 gets the value D1 or D2. However, when we run with 
> either of these cases, the results are not accurate (when compared against a 
> benchmark from a commercial FV solver). We are getting a smooth interpolation 
> across the face , rather than the sharp change correctly predicted by the 
> benchmarking code.
> With the code below, we have only been able to set the coefficient at that 
> middle face to one of either D1 or D2. This doesn’t result in the desired 
> instantaneous change in the coefficient value, but instead, the new 
> coefficient value only applies from the NEXT face (which is a distance dx 
> away) from this critical interior boundary.
> Coefficient = FaceVariable(mesh = 1D_mesh)                                    
>                     # Define facevariable on mesh
> Coefficient.setValue(D1, where=(1D_mesh.faceCenters[0] <= 1.0))               
> # Set coefficient values in 1st half of mesh
> Coefficient.setValue(D2, where=((1.0 < 1D_mesh.faceCenters[0]) & 
> (1D_mesh.faceCenters[0] <= 2.0)))                    # Set coefficient values 
> in 2nd half of mesh
> An alternative with the inequalities adjusted, but that still only permits a 
> single coefficient at that face:
> Coefficient = FaceVariable(mesh = 1D_mesh)                                    
>                  # Define facevariable on mesh
> Coefficient.setValue(D1, where=(1D_mesh.faceCenters[0] < 1.0))                
> # Set coefficient values in 1st half of mesh
> Coefficient.setValue(D2, where=((1.0 <= 1D_mesh.faceCenters[0]) & 
> (1D_mesh.faceCenters[0] <= 2.0)))                  # Set coefficient values 
> in 2nd half of mesh
> Sincerely,
> -          Ian
> P.S. Daniel, thank you very much for your previous reply on sweep speeds! It 
> was very helpful.
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