Dear mailinglist,

I am trying to solve a convection problem where the convected substance is 
adsorbed (on active carbon in this case). It is modeled as follows: the fluid 
is divided in a bulk part and in a film layer part; that is the film layer 
surrounding the adsorbing medium (active carbon). To the concentration in the 
bulk applies a convective equation with a sink for the part of the solute that 
is diffusing into the film layer; the sink depends on the difference between 
film and bulk concentration. The film layer thus receives the solute from the 
bulk and loses it to the adsorbing medium and is therefore modeled as an 
equation with only a sink and a source; the source depends on the concentration 
difference between bulk and film, the sink depends on the 'concentration' 
difference between the surface and the center of active carbon grains. Finally, 
I also modeled the diffusion of the solute from the surface of the active 
carbon to its center; this source term depends on the difference between 
solution at the surface and center of the grain.

c_b: bulk concentration
c_f: film concentration
q_s: concentration at the surface of the grain (this is not really a 
concentration, but the amount of adsorbed material per amount of adsorbing 
material (active carbon)
q_b: the concentration in the center of the grain

This then yields the following equations:
dc_b/dt = v dc_b/dx - A1(c_b - c_f)
dc_f/dt = A2 (c_b - c_f) - A3(q_s - q_b)
dq_s/dt = A4(q_s - q_b)

here A1, A2, A3 and A4 are some mass transfer constants. Furthermore, q_s 
relates to c_f by the Freundlich equation:
q_s = K_Fr * c_f ^n_Fr

with K_Fr and n_Fr some constants. As n_Fr is smaller than zero, q_s will yield 
NaN if c_f becomes smaller than zero. As c_f is a concentration, it cannot 
become smaller than 0 from a physics point of view. Indeed this is enforced by 
the equations. However, due to some numerical inaccuracies, c_f sometimes 
becomes smaller than zero and solutions fail. Is it possible to put a 
constraint on the values of c_f so that the solver will only return solutions 
that comply to this constraint?
Best regards,
M.W. (Martin) Korevaar, MSc
Scientific researcher - Drinking Water Treatment | KWR Watercycle Research 
Institute | Groningenhaven 7, P.O. Box 1072, 3430 BB Nieuwegein, the 
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