Hi Christoph,

I have it running now and it seems to be running fine with no issues.
I don't get a "ValueError". Is this the code that give the
"ValueError" or is that with a modification of this code?

Anyway, I have the entire environment in a Dockerfile that you're
welcome to use, I'm using the following


if you want to check how your environment might differ from mine. To
run your problem I use

    $ docker pull docker.io/wd15/extremefill2d_base
    $ docker run -i -t wd15/extremefill2d_base:latest /bin/bash
    # cd ..
    # wget 
    # python christoph.py

Obviously, you'll need to install Docker to use this.



On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 4:18 AM, Christoph Günther
<christophgn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Daniel,
> thanks for looking into this. I am sorry for the identation error. I
> thoroughly checked the code you put up on Github and it is now in the way
> that I intended it to be.
> I also downloaded the code and do not get any error messages when running
> the code on my PC. I use the pysparse solver to run the Program:
> print DefaultSolver
> <class 'fipy.solvers.pysparse.linearPCGSolver.LinearPCGSolver'>
> I use the Python Version:
> sys.version:    2.7.10 (default, May 23 2015, 09:40:32) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
> (Intel)]
> and the Package versions:
> pysparse.__version__       Out[35]: '1.3'
> fipy.__version__                Out[33]: '3.1.3'
> scipy.__version__              Out[31]: '0.15.1'
> Does the program give a seg error right away or does it loop through the
> solution a couple of times? If you uncomment the lines 132 and 133 you
> should get a picture with each loop step that is similar to the one I
> attach.
> Thanks for your efforts,
> Christoph
> Am 12.04.2017 um 16:24 schrieb Daniel Wheeler:
>> Hi Christophe,
>> I tried running your problem, but I get a seg fault with both the
>> PySparse and Trilinos solvers. The Scipy solver seems to hang.
>> Which solvers are you using?
>> The link to the version of your code that I'm using is below. Could
>> you check that it is as you intended?
>> https://gist.github.com/wd15/5c780ffbbae949cbf04eee5720e5a727
>> In the code that was in the email there is an indentation issue with
>> the lines beginning "E.constrain" and "J.constrain" so I'm wondering
>> if there are any other issues.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Christoph Günther
>> <christophgn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Mailing list,
>>> I have been trying to solve a Nonlinear Envelope Equation, discriping the
>>> propagation of a laser pulse in a nonlinear optical medium within Fipy.
>>> The
>>> Electric field couples to the electron subsystem through the Term posed
>>> Rest
>>> in the following and subsequently raises the electron density in the
>>> regions
>>> where the electric field is the strongest (within the focus of the
>>> laserbeam). The Property that I am interested in finally is the electron
>>> density. The system of Equations goes as follows:
>>> dEdz + dEdt = i/2k * d2Ed2r - i *k''/2 dE2dt2 + i*kn''|E|^2 * E +
>>> Rest(|E|^2, |E|,  E)
>>> dNdt = Wpi(|E| + N*sigma*|E|^2
>>> Basically I would like to reproduce the attached graph from the attached
>>> paper. As I am a FiPy beginner I wonder if such a Problem can actually be
>>> takled with fipy or if speciallized solving methods such as the split
>>> step
>>> fourier method (see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-step_method)
>>> are required.
>>> I tryed to incorporate the Problem into Fipy by spliting the equation
>>> into
>>> its real and complex parts and solving for the coupled system of
>>> equations.
>>> The problem that I am facing is that the incident pulse which I define
>>> with
>>> a time dependent boundary condition is appearing at the boundary, but it
>>> does not propagate through the medium. I am wondering if the E.grad[1]
>>> operator, which I used to express dEdz is actually a correct
>>> representation
>>> for this term or if it could be the source for the incorrect behaviour.
>>> This
>>> assignement came from the observation that if I pose the problem in the
>>> following way:
>>> dEdz  =  i/2k * d2Ed2r - i *k''/2 dE2dt2 + i*kn''|E|^2 * E + R(|E|^2,
>>> |E|,
>>> E) - dEd t
>>> I get the following error message:
>>>    File
>>> "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\sitecustomize.py",
>>> line 685, in runfile
>>>      execfile(filename, namespace)
>>>    File
>>> "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\spyderlib\widgets\externalshell\sitecustomize.py",
>>> line 71, in execfile
>>>      exec(compile(scripttext, filename, 'exec'), glob, loc)
>>>    File "D:/Arbeit/Masterarbeit/Programmiertes/DGL/NLSE_basic.py", line
>>> 129,
>>> in <module>
>>>      coupledeqn = eqn1 & eqn2 & eqn3 & eqn4 & eqn5
>>>    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\fipy\terms\term.py", line 446, in
>>> __and__
>>>      elif other == 0:
>>>    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\fipy\variables\variable.py", line
>>> 1375, in __nonzero__
>>>      return bool(self.value)
>>> ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is
>>> ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
>>> In the following you can find the full code. I am hopefull that someone
>>> can
>>> spot an error that prevents the Pulse from Propagating through the
>>> medium.
>>> Thanks in advance for all your efforts. And thanks to the developers for
>>> setting up this very impressive and capable Python module.
>>> With Best regards,
>>> Christoph
>>> from fipy import *
>>> from scipy.special import erf,ellipk,ellipe
>>> from scipy.integrate import quad
>>> def thornber(E):
>>>      e   = 1.602e-19
>>>      kb  = 1.380e-23
>>>      vs  = 2e5
>>>      Eg  = 3.3*e
>>>      EI  = 1e13
>>>      Eph = 0.8e6
>>>      T   = 300
>>>      Ekt = (EI*kb*T)/Eg
>>>      #thorn =
>>> numerix.abs(((vs*e*E)/Eg)*numerix.exp((-1*EI)/((E*(1+(E/Eph)))+Ekt)))
>>>      thorn = ((vs*e*E)/Eg)*numerix.exp((-1*EI)/((E*(1+(E/Eph)))+Ekt))
>>>      return numerix.absolute(thorn)
>>> def integ(j,x,gamma1,gamma2):
>>>      return
>>> erf((numerix.pi/2)*numerix.sqrt(((2.0*(int(x+1.0)))-(2*x)+j)/(ellipk(gamma2)*ellipe(gamma2))))*numerix.exp(-1*j*numerix.pi*((ellipk(gamma2)-ellipe(gamma2))/ellipe(gamma1)))
>>> def Keld(E):
>>>      #E      = E*100000000.0
>>>      e           = 1.602e-19
>>>      hbar        = 1.054e-34
>>>      c           = 299792458
>>>      wavelength  = 1030e-9
>>>      w           = 2*numerix.pi*c/wavelength
>>>      me          = 0.4*9.109e-31
>>>      mh          = 3*9.109e-31
>>>      m           = (me*mh)/(me+mh)
>>>      Eg          = 3.3*1.602e-19
>>>      if E<0.000000001:
>>>          return 0
>>>      else:
>>>          gamma  = ((w*numerix.sqrt(m*Eg))/(e*E))
>>>          gamma1 = (gamma**2)/(1+gamma**2)
>>>          gamma2 = 1.0 - gamma1
>>>          x      =
>>> (2/numerix.pi)*(Eg/(hbar*w))*(numerix.sqrt(1+gamma**2)/gamma)*ellipe(1/(1+gamma**2))
>>>          Q      =
>>> numerix.sqrt((numerix.pi)/(2*ellipk(gamma2)))*quad(lambda
>>> j: integ(j,x,gamma1,gamma2),0,10000)[0]
>>>          keld   =
>>> ((2*w)/(9*numerix.pi))*(((w*m)/(hbar*numerix.sqrt(gamma1)))**(3/2))*Q*numerix.exp(-1*numerix.pi*(int(x+1))*((ellipk(gamma1)-ellipe(gamma1))/ellipe(gamma2)))
>>>          #keld   = keld*1000000
>>>      return numerix.absolute(keld)
>>> def multi(E):
>>>      tmp=numerix.empty((),)
>>>      for i in range(len(E)):
>>>          numerix.append(tmp,Keld(E()[i]))
>>>      return tmp
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>      nr   = 50
>>>      nz   = 50
>>>      dr   = 1e-6
>>>      dz   = dr
>>>      L    = dr*nr
>>>      mesh = mesh = CylindricalGrid2D(nr=nr,
>>> nz=nz,dr=dr,dz=dz,origin=((-L/2.0,),(0,)))#Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx,
>>> ny=ny)
>>>      #create variables
>>>      E     = CellVariable(name="real part electric Field", mesh=mesh,
>>> hasOld=True, value=0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001,  )
>>>      Estar = CellVariable(name="diff real part electric Field",
>>> mesh=mesh,
>>> hasOld=True, value=0.0 )
>>>      J     = CellVariable(name="imag part electric Field", mesh=mesh,
>>> hasOld=True, value=0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001 )
>>>      Jstar = CellVariable(name="diff imag part electric Field",
>>> mesh=mesh,
>>> hasOld=True, value=0.0 )
>>>      rho   = CellVariable(name="carrier concentration",  mesh=mesh,
>>> hasOld=True, value=1.0e12 )
>>>      time  = Variable()
>>>      #make constants for eqn system
>>>      #physical constants
>>>      c     = 299792458.0
>>>      #material Parameters
>>>      n     = 2.5
>>>      alpha = 0.05
>>>      n2    = 3.5e-16
>>>      vg    = 1.0e18
>>>      Beta2 = 1.0e18
>>>      sigma = 1.
>>>      tau   = 1e-16
>>>      Eg    = 3.3*1.602e-19
>>>      #Laser Parameters
>>>      wavelength = 1030e-9                   #wavelength in nm
>>>      w     = 2.0*numerix.pi*c/(wavelength)
>>>      d     = 25e-6                          #Focusdepth
>>>      wf    = 1.0e-6                         #Beam radius in Focus
>>>      tp    = 1e-9                           #Puls length
>>>      Ein   = 100e-3                         #Pulsenergy
>>>      timeStep = 1e-11
>>>      desiredResidual = 1.0e-8
>>>      totalElapsedTime = 1000*timeStep
>>>      #physical relations
>>>      k    = n*w/c
>>>      #equation parsmeters
>>>      gamma = numerix.array(((1./(2*k), 0.), (0., 0.)))
>>>      #Laserparameter relations
>>>      zf  = numerix.pi*(wf**2)*n/wavelength
>>>      w0  = wf*numerix.sqrt((1.0+((d**2)/(zf**2))))
>>>      f   = d+zf**2.0/d
>>>      Pin = Ein/(tp*(numerix.pi/2))
>>>      E0  = numerix.sqrt((2.0*Pin)/(numerix.pi*w0))
>>>      #set upper values
>>>      R,Z = mesh.faceCenters
>>>      #mask =  ((Y > 19.5e-6))
>>> E.constrain((E0*numerix.cos((k*(R)**2.0)/(2.0*f)))/(numerix.exp((((R)**2)/(w0**2.0))+((time**2.0)/(tp**2.0)))),
>>> where=mesh.facesTop)
>>> J.constrain((E0*(-1)*numerix.sin((k*(R)**2.0)/(2.0*f)))/(numerix.exp((((R)**2.0)/(w0**2.0))+((time**2)/(tp**2)))),
>>> where=mesh.facesTop)
>>>      #setup equation system
>>>      eqn1  = TransientTerm(var=E)==Estar
>>>      eqn2  = TransientTerm(var=J)==Jstar
>>>      eqn3  = E.grad[1] + TransientTerm(coeff=vg, var=E) ==
>>> DiffusionTerm(coeff=(-gamma), var=J) \
>>>              +TransientTerm(coeff= Beta2/2.0,var=Jstar)-
>>> (k*n2*((E**2.0))+((J**2.0))*J)+(w0*tau*rho*J)\
>>> -((sigma*rho*E)/2)-((multi(numerix.sqrt((E**2.0)+(J**2.0)))*E)/(2*((E**2)+(J**2.0))))
>>> - alpha*E
>>>      eqn4  = J.grad[1] + TransientTerm(coeff=vg, var=J) ==
>>> DiffusionTerm(coeff=(gamma), var=E) \
>>>              -TransientTerm(coeff= Beta2/2.0,var=Estar)+
>>> (k*n2*((E**2))+((J**2))*E)-(w0*tau*rho*E)\
>>> -((sigma*rho*J)/2)-((multi(numerix.sqrt((E**2.0)+(J**2)))*J)/(2.0*((E**2)+(J**2.0))))
>>> - alpha*J
>>>      eqn5  = TransientTerm(var=rho)==
>>> rho*thornber((E**2.0)+(J**2.0))+multi((E**2.0)+(J**2.0))
>>>      coupledeqn = eqn1 & eqn2 & eqn3 & eqn4 & eqn5
>>>      #solve equation system
>>>      while time < totalElapsedTime:
>>>          residual = 1e5
>>>          E.updateOld()
>>>          Estar.updateOld()
>>>          J.updateOld()
>>>          Jstar.updateOld()
>>>          rho.updateOld()
>>>          #viewer = Viewer(vars=J)
>>>          #viewer.plot()
>>>          time.setValue(time() + timeStep)
>>>          while residual > desiredResidual:
>>>              residual = coupledeqn.sweep(dt=timeStep)
>>>      viewer = Viewer(vars=J)
>>>      viewer.plot()
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Daniel Wheeler

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