Hi All,

I wonder is there any way to specify the FaceVariable based on the naming
from gmsh ?  For example, I name my sub domain in gmsh as "top" and
"bottom". In Fipy, I would like to do something similar to following:

velocityX_Top = (1-Epsilon*Epsilon)/(Epsilon*Epsilon)*(yFace +

velocityY_Top =

velocityX_Bottom = yFace

velocityY_Bottom = -xFace

velocityVector = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh.physicalCells["top"], rank=1)

velocityVector[0] = velocityX_Top

velocityVector[1] = velocityY_Top

velocityVector = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh.physicalCells["bottom"], rank=1)

velocityVector[0] = velocityX_Bottom

velocityVector[1] = velocityY_Bottom

I think it gives me error because the mesh.physicalCells is cell index, not
face index. But is there any way I could do get all face index using sub
domain ID?

I have attached the complete and minimal code to demonstrate what I try to


from fipy import *
import numpy as np
import  matplotlib as matplotlib_plot
import scipy.interpolate

mesh = Gmsh2D('''
            lc = 2e-2;
            Point(1) = {-1, 0, 0, lc};
            Point(2) = {0, 0, 0, lc};
            Point(3) = {1, 0, 0, lc};
            Point(4) = {0,-0.1,0,lc};
            Ellipse(5) = {1,2,2,4};
            Ellipse(6) = {4,2,2,3};
            Line(7) = {3,2};
            Line(8) = {2,1};
            Circle(9) = {1,2,3};
            Line Loop(9) = {6,7, 8,5};
            Line Loop(10) = {-6,-5,9};
            Plane Surface (11) = {9};
            Plane Surface (12) = {10};
            Physical Surface("top") = {11};
            Physical Surface("bottom") = {12};
            Physical Line("interface") = {5, 6};
              ''' % locals())
phi_1 = CellVariable(name = "solution variable",
                   mesh = mesh,
                   hasOld = True,
                   value = 0.5) # doctest: +GMSH

viewer = Matplotlib2DViewer(vars=phi_1, title="final solution", cmap =  
matplotlib_plot.cm.hot,datamin = 0., datamax = 1.)
Epsilon = 0.1
velocityX_Top = (1-Epsilon*Epsilon)/(Epsilon*Epsilon)*(yFace + 
velocityY_Top = 
velocityX_Bottom = yFace
velocityY_Bottom = -xFace
velocityVector = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh.physicalCells["top"], rank=1)
velocityVector[0] = velocityX_Top
velocityVector[1] = velocityY_Top
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