A file ? You can export the result to a file yes, although I did not
demonstrate it in my script.
This is not fipy though, it’s about using numpy to write an array of values
into a file !

As for the comparison with an analytic solution, I invite you to take a
look at the mesh1D diffusion example where they create a phiAnalytical. To
plot it, you can do

vi = Viewer(vars=(phi, phiAnalytical))

which should plot at the same time the solution of the iterative process
from fipy and the analytical value.



2017-05-18 14:46 GMT+02:00 Sergio Manzetti <sergio.manze...@fjordforsk.no>:

> OK, I see now. Where is this file you mention accessed? It does not come
> out in the working directory.
> Sergio Manzetti
> <http://www.fjordforsk.no/logo_hr2.jpg>
> Fjordforsk AS <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>                <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
> Midtun
> 6894 Vangsnes
> Norge
> Org.nr. 911 659 654
> Tlf: +47 57695621 <+47%2057%2069%2056%2021>
> Økolab  <http://www.oekolab.com> |  Nanofactory  <http://www.nanofact.no>
> |  AQ-Lab  <http://www.aq-lab.no> |  FAP <http://www.phap.no>
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu" <thibault.bridellel...@gmail.com>
> *To: *"fipy" <fipy@nist.gov>
> *Sent: *Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:47:24 PM
> *Subject: *Re: Problems running a simple PDE
> The PDE you want to solve has a transient term, which is why the function
> evolves in time.
> However, as you can see it eventually converges to a given shape and stay
> in that shape : this « stabilized shape » corresponds to the steady-state
> result of your equation.
> All you can see before are the transient organizations.
> As I said in my previous e-mail, you can access phi as a numpy array and
> do with it as you want : this phi is the discrete representation of your
> steady-state result.
> Cordialement,
> --
> 2017-05-18 14:40 GMT+02:00 Sergio Manzetti <sergio.manze...@fjordforsk.no>
> :
>> I am just not sure on how to understand the actual beautiful result from
>> the PDE.
>> When initializing is pressed, it animates into a wave-like pattern.
>> I thought the numerical solution to the PDE was an actual function, but
>> this animated plot must be some form of time-dependent changing function?
>> How can it be given as a function in addition to the graph?
>> Sergio Manzetti
>> <http://www.fjordforsk.no/logo_hr2.jpg>
>> Fjordforsk AS <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>>                  <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>> Midtun
>> 6894 Vangsnes
>> Norge
>> Org.nr. 911 659 654
>> Tlf: +47 57695621 <+47%2057%2069%2056%2021>
>> Økolab  <http://www.oekolab.com> |  Nanofactory  <http://www.nanofact.no>
>> |  AQ-Lab  <http://www.aq-lab.no> |  FAP <http://www.phap.no>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu" <thibault.bridellel...@gmail.com>
>> *To: *"fipy" <fipy@nist.gov>
>> *Sent: *Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:29:23 PM
>> *Subject: *Re: Problems running a simple PDE
>> I invite you to take a look at : http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/
>> fipy/examples/README.html for an overview of all the examples written
>> for fipy
>> and http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/documentation/numerical/discret.html
>> for a reminder on how the finite volume method works.
>> As for your equation, if you are in 1D, you may consider it as follow :
>> du/dx : is a convection term with a unit scalar coefficient, i.e.
>> <SpecificConvectionTerm>(coeff=(1.,), var=u) - you will find a list of
>> all available convection schemes here : http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/
>> fipy/documentation/numerical/discret.html#convection-term
>> du/dt : is a transient term that you can treat as before, i.e.
>> TransientTerm(var=u)
>> and u^2, as a nonlinear term, one possibility is to update it during the
>> iterations.
>> All in all, you would write for instance :
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> from fipy import *
>> from fipy import numerix
>> nx = 50
>> dx = 1. / float(nx)
>> mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx,dx=dx)
>> X = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>> phi = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name="solution")
>> phi.setValue(0.5-0.5*numerix.tanh(10*(X-0.5)))
>> vi = Viewer(vars=phi,datamin=0.0, datamax=1.0)
>> vi.plot()
>> raw_input("Initialization ...")
>> phi.constrain(1., mesh.facesLeft)
>> phi.constrain(0., mesh.facesRight)
>> phi_sq = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)
>> phi_sq.setValue( phi*phi )
>> eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1., var=phi) + 
>> ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=(1.,),
>> var=phi) + phi_sq == 0.0
>> dt = 0.01
>> steps = 100
>> for step in range(steps):
>> eq.sweep(dt=dt)
>> #
>> phi_sq.setValue( phi * phi )
>> #
>> vi.plot()
>> raw_input("Press <return> ...")
>> The sweep method allows to advance the equation of one timestep only.
>> Then I can update phi_sq which the next sweep will use to solve the
>> equation. And so on ..
>> Hope this helps to understand. I can however only advise you to browse
>> through all the examples, you will definitely find something similar to
>> your case you can start from !
>> Best
>> T. Bridel-Bertomeu
>> 2017-05-18 14:10 GMT+02:00 Sergio Manzetti <sergio.manze...@fjordforsk.no
>> >:
>>> OK, this really helped. If I wanted to change this into:
>>> du/dx + i*du/dt + u^2 = 0
>>> in the following format:
>>> eqX = TransientTerm(var=phi) == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D, var=phi)
>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>        eqX.solve(dt=timeStepDuration)
>>> there would be alot of different terms. Where can I find an explanation
>>> on how to change these variables you mentioned into an equation one
>>> requires to run on fipy?
>>> Sergio
>>> Sergio Manzetti
>>> <http://www.fjordforsk.no/logo_hr2.jpg>
>>> Fjordforsk AS <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>>>                  <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>>> Midtun
>>> 6894 Vangsnes
>>> Norge
>>> Org.nr. 911 659 654
>>> Tlf: +47 57695621 <+47%2057%2069%2056%2021>
>>> Økolab  <http://www.oekolab.com> |  Nanofactory
>>> <http://www.nanofact.no> |  AQ-Lab  <http://www.aq-lab.no> |  FAP
>>> <http://www.phap.no>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu" <thibault.bridellel...@gmail.com>
>>> *To: *"fipy" <fipy@nist.gov>
>>> *Sent: *Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:09:47 PM
>>> *Subject: *Re: Problems running a simple PDE
>>> Hello again Sergio,
>>> When you define eqX = TransientTerm() == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D)
>>> you ready the equation, and then eqX.solve(var=phi,
>>> dt=timeStepDuration)
>>> solves the equation for an infinitesimal timestep dt, and the variable
>>> phi as asked.
>>> You could also have written ::
>>> eqX = TransientTerm(var=phi) == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D, var=phi)
>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>        eqX.solve(dt=timeStepDuration)
>>> Best
>>> Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu
>>> 2017-05-18 13:57 GMT+02:00 Sergio Manzetti <
>>> sergio.manze...@fjordforsk.no>:
>>>> Dear all, referring to the email below, I removed the phi_nw and
>>>> phi_old, however, I am not sure where the actual PDE given in the first
>>>> example at . 58,
>>>> d phi/dt = A d^2x∕dx^2
>>>> appears in the actual python code.
>>>> This would be important to change the PDE into other PDEs
>>>> Where do I define this PDE?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sergio Manzetti
>>>> <http://www.fjordforsk.no/logo_hr2.jpg>
>>>> Fjordforsk AS <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>>>>                    <http://www.fjordforsk.no>
>>>> Midtun
>>>> 6894 Vangsnes
>>>> Norge
>>>> Org.nr. 911 659 654
>>>> Tlf: +47 57695621 <+47%2057%2069%2056%2021>
>>>> Økolab  <http://www.oekolab.com> |  Nanofactory
>>>> <http://www.nanofact.no> |  AQ-Lab  <http://www.aq-lab.no> |  FAP
>>>> <http://www.phap.no>
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: *"sergio manzetti" <sergio.manze...@fjordforsk.no>
>>>> *To: *"fipy" <fipy@nist.gov>
>>>> *Sent: *Thursday, May 18, 2017 1:36:57 PM
>>>> *Subject: *Problems running a simple PDE
>>>> Hello, following the manual, at the first example with the 1D
>>>> diffusion, I have tried to make the python script for this (python2.7) and
>>>> I get a missing name, which is not defined in the example at all.
>>>> This is the name "cell", which appears on p 58 in the manual.
>>>> Please see this code which describes this example:
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> #Python script for solving a Partial Differential Equation in a
>>>> diffusion case
>>>> from fipy import *
>>>> nx = 50
>>>> dx = 1
>>>> mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
>>>> phi = CellVariable(name="Solution variable",
>>>> mesh=mesh,
>>>> value=0.)
>>>> #We'll use the coefficient set to D=1
>>>> D=1
>>>> # We give then 2000 time-steps for the computation, which is defined by
>>>> 90 percent of the maximum stable timestep, which is given
>>>> timeStepDuration = 0.9 * dx**2 / (2 * D)
>>>> steps = 2000
>>>> #Then we define the boundary conditions
>>>> valueLeft = 1
>>>> valueRight = 0
>>>> #The boundary conditions are represented as faces around the exterior
>>>> of the mesh, so we define the constraint by the given values on the left
>>>> and right side of the boundary using the phi.constrain() command
>>>> phi.constrain(valueLeft, mesh.facesRight)
>>>> phi.constrain(valueRight, mesh.facesLeft)
>>>> # We can also omit giving boundary conditions, then the default bc is
>>>> equivalent to a zero gradient.
>>>> #At this stage we define the partial differential equation as a
>>>> numerical problem to be solved
>>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>>   for j in range(cells):
>>>>      phi_new[j] = phi_old[j] \
>>>>          + (D * dt / dx**2) * (phi_old[j+1] - 2 * phi_old[j] +
>>>> phi_old[j-1])
>>>>   time += dt
>>>> #and additional code for the boundary conditions
>>>> eqX = TransientTerm() == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D)
>>>> #We then want to view the results of the calculation and use the
>>>> command Viewer() for this
>>>> phiAnalytical = CellVariable(name="analytical value",
>>>>                              mesh=mesh)
>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>     viewer = Viewer(vars=(phi, phiAnalytical),
>>>>                     datamin=0., datamax=1.)
>>>>     viewer.plot()
>>>> #If we have a semi-infinite domain, then the solution for this PDE is
>>>> phi=1-erf(x/2(Dt)^(0.5)). This requires to import SciPy library, so we
>>>> import that.
>>>> x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>>>> t = timeStepDuration * steps
>>>> try:
>>>>     from scipy.special import erf
>>>>     phiAnalytical.setValue(1-erf(x / (2 * numerix.sqrt(D * t))))
>>>> except ImportError:
>>>>     print ("The Scipy Library is not avaliable to test the solution to
>>>> the given trasient diffusion equation")
>>>> # The equation is then solved by repeatedly looping
>>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>>     eqX.solve(var=phi,
>>>>               dt=timeStepDuration)
>>>>     if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>         viewer.plot()
>>>> print (phi.allclose(phiAnalytical, atol = 7e-4))
>>>> 1
>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>     raw_input("Explicit transient diffusion. Press <return> to
>>>> proceed...")
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