Clara - The mesh needs to be fine enough to resolve the interfaces. How thick is the phase interface for your parameters? Generally, you need O(10) grid points across the interface.
- Jon > On Jul 25, 2017, at 1:50 PM, Clara Maurel <> wrote: > > Hello, > > Sorry in advance if my question is very basic. I am using fipy to solve a > Cahn-Hilliard equation problem, and it worked perfectly fine on a 1D domain > of size nx*dx where nx=500 and dx=0.5. > I wanted to run on a larger domain, but in order to reduce the computation > time, I increase the spatial resolution; now the size of my domain is nx*dx > where nx=2500 and dx=2. This lead to a diverging solution for all my runs. > > I was wondering whether there was optimal ratios of nx and dx, or length and > dx, which had to be implemented so that the code does not diverge even on a > greater scale? Or if not, if anyone had an idea of what could be going on, > given that I only did this change between the two versions of the code. > > Thank you in advance for you help! > > Clara_______________________________________________ > fipy mailing list > > > [ NIST internal ONLY: ] _______________________________________________ fipy mailing list [ NIST internal ONLY: ]