I'm looking into using fipy to solve my system of 3 equations (one
Poisson, two continuity), used for semiconductor device simulation
(the drift-diffusion system, also known as van Roosbroeck system of

My system is:

- singularly perturbed (contains sharp boundary/interface layers)

- non-linear.

- 2D

- time-independent

For such a system anisotropic mesh helps a lot with keeping the number
of mesh-points small.

However classical finite volume scheme (2-point flux approximation, or
TPFA) as pointed out in the paper by Droniou [1] puts severe
limitations on the kind of mesh you could use. Specifically, you can
only use anistropic mesh with quad-tree based mesh (i.e., construction
of a axis-aligned quad mesh, followed by splitting each quad into two
triangles). If you wish to use an unstructured Delaunay mesh, it has
to be isotropic (equilateral triangles) or near-isotropic otherwise
the control volume calculation will result in overlaps and the
conservation property will be violated (the solution would more likely
be incorrect).

There are some other aspects of a FV scheme as mentioned in Droniou
that I'm still trying to understand (as an engineer, not a
mathematician). E.g., monotonicity, coercivity, min-max principle,
discrete max principle, etc, etc.

So my questions are:

- Does fipy handle anisotropic unstructured meshes without any
problem? (I'm specifically looking to use bamg for 2D mesh adaptation
based on interpolation error reduction/equidistribution)

- If not, does fipy provide (or provide a way to implement) MPFA
(multi-point flux approximation) or some other non-classical scheme
(like HMM) that allows anisotropic unstructured meshes (as discussed
in the Drioniou paper [1]) ?

- Or, does fipy allow any other way to make vertex-centered control
volume calculation that can take into account anisotropy and can make
sure there are no control volume overlaps (and as a result, the
coefficients stay positive, and monotonicity is maintained, and none
of the nice properties are violated) ?

Thanks in advance,

[1] J. Droniou, “Finite volume schemes for diffusion equations:
Introduction to and review of modern methods,” Math. Models Methods
Appl. Sci., vol. 24, no. 08, pp. 1575–1619, Jan. 2014.

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