Hi Leyton,

I think there is an error in FiPy when calculating gradients with
cylindrical grids. FiPy assumes that the cylindrical faces don't count
towards the face contributions, but they do. It needs to be fixed. It
results in a systematic error of "phi / r". I'll try and fix this in
the near future. Sorry about that.

For further details see,


I've very roughly outlined the problem at the bottom of the notebook
and a better discretization. A quick fix right now would be to use a
3D slice rather than the cylindrical grid. I'm not sure how much this
impacts other calculations with cylindrical grids in FiPy.

I also put this in an issue. Please do add comments if you have ideas.


Thanks for reporting this.



On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Munoz Leyton
<leyton.mu...@hirtenberger.com> wrote:
> Dear Fipy Team,
> First of all I would like to thank you for your amazing work! I love working
> with fipy.
> I have a problem when I calculate the gradient of my variable in cylindrical
> coordinates. You can see the code I used below this line.
> from fipy import *
> from fipy import CellVariable, FaceVariable, Grid2D, TransientTerm, \
>     UpwindConvectionTerm, DiffusionTerm, ImplicitSourceTerm,
> CylindricalGrid2D
> L = 89e-3  # m
> diameterChamber = 13.75e-3
> radius = diameterChamber/2
> dz = 1e-3
> dr = 0.75e-3
> nz = round(L/dz)
> nr = round(radius/dr)
> #mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, nx=nx, dy=dy, ny=ny)
> mesh = CylindricalGrid2D(dz=dz, nz=nz, dr=dr, nr=nr)
> pressure_0 = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Pressure Gas', hasOld=1)
> pressure_0.setValue(1e5)
> pressure_0.grad.value
> The pressure is constant all over the domain so I would expect the gradient
> to be zero. just as it is in Cartesian coordinates. But I get this:
> array([[ 2666.66666667,   888.88888889,   533.33333333, ...,
>           205.12820513,   177.77777778,   156.8627451 ],
>        [    0.        ,     0.        ,     0.        , ...,
>             0.        ,     0.        ,     0.        ]])
> Could you please help me? Am I doing something wrong? is it a bug?
> I would like also to contribute to the community with an example of
> compressible flow with euler equations in 2D Cartesian coordinates. I
> validated the results with SOD shock tube and I was quite happy with it.
> With whom should I talk to review it and possibly upload it?
> Kind regards,
> Leyton
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