Hi Clara,

Can you post the entire working code so I can try and debug?



On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 4:43 PM, Clara Maurel <cmau...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I asked a similar questions several months ago and someone nicely answered
> with some ideas, which however did not solve my problem. So I am just trying
> another time!
> I want to model the dynamics of a system using the  Cahn Hilliard equation,
> with a diffusion coefficient that depends on the cell variable
> (concentration X) and time.
> The diffusion coefficient (Diff) is proportional to the second derivative of
> the free energy (d2G). The latter function is not continuous and I would
> like to interpolate it with a B-spline (scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline).
> FYI, I first started with a polynomial interpolation: the fit was not
> satisfactory in terms of the physics I want to capture, but the fipy code
> worked well.
> Problems come when I want to use my spline function with the cell variable
> X: this always return an array where fipy would like a fipy variable, and I
> don’t know if there would be a way to do so. Would anyone have an idea on
> how I could do that?
> The suggestion I had before was to set Diff as a cell variable and update
> the value of Diff at each time step. However, doing so the behaviour of the
> system was not physical.
> Diff = CellVariable(mesh=mesh)
> Diff.setValue(d2G(Xf))
> Any other idea would be greatly appreciated! I would be happy to send my
> code if necessary.
> Thank you in advance,
> Clara
> Here is the part of my code in question:
> ## Mesh
> L = 200.
> nx = 1000
> dx = L/nx
> mesh = PeriodicGrid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
> ## Variable
> X_var = CellVariable(name=r"$X_{at}$", mesh=mesh, hasOld=True)
> ## Mean initial concentration
> X_mean = float(comp)/100.0
> X_mean_txt = str(comp)
> id_mean = Get_closest_id(X,X_mean)
> id_mean_spino = Get_closest_id(X_spino_low,X_mean)
> ## Initial temperature corresponding to X_mean on spinodal boundary
> T0 = T_spino[id_mean_spino]
> ## Initial thermal fluctuations
> noise = GaussianNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, mean=X_mean,
> variance=0.00001).value
> X_var[:] =  noise
> X_var.updateOld()
> Xf = X_var.arithmeticFaceValue
> ## Initial mobility
> Mob = M[id_mean_spino][id_mean]
> ## This interpolate the second derivative of the free energy with a B-spline
> and return Spline(Xf) WHICH IS AN ARRAY...
> d2G =
> Get_spline_Chebnodes(Xf,100,T0,R,RefFe,RefNi,L0ex,L1ex,L2ex,Tmag,Bmag,p_fcc,A_fcc,Nv,Na)
> ## Initial diffusion coefficient
> Diff = Mob*d2G
> ## Initial gradient energy (depending on the interfacial energy we want)
> K = 2.0*kappa[id_mean_spino]
> ## Initial equation
> eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1.) == DiffusionTerm(Diff) -
> DiffusionTerm(coeff=(Mob, K))
> ## Time and integration parameters
> time = (T0-T_spino[id_mean_spino])/Cr
> duration = (T0-T_spino[-2])/Cr # in s
> dt = 3.154e7 # 1 year in s
> dt_max = 3.154e13 # 1,000,000 years in s
> total_sweeps = 4
> tolerance = 1.0e-3
> step_T = id_mean_spino
> solver = Solver()
> ## Start looping
> while time < duration:
>     res0 = eq.sweep(X_var, dt=dt, solver=solver)
>     next_time_T = (T0-T_spino[step_T+1])/Cr
>     print "Next temperature step is at: " + str(next_time_T/Myr_in_s) + "
> Myr"
>     print "Temperature: "+str(T_spino[step_T]-273)
>     while time < next_time_T:
>         for sweeps in range(total_sweeps):
>             res = eq.sweep(X_var, dt=dt, solver=solver)
>         if res < res0 * tolerance:
>             time += dt
>             dt *= 1.1
>             dt = min(dt_max, dt)
>             X_var.updateOld()
>             Xf = X_var.arithmeticFaceValue
>         else:
>             dt *= 0.8
>             X_var[:] = X_var.old
>             Xf = X_var.arithmeticFaceValue
>     print "Arrived at a temperature step!"
>     step_T += 1
>     id_mean_T = Get_closest_id(X,np.mean(X_var))
>     Mob = M[step_T][id_mean_T]
>     d2G =
> Get_spline_Chebnodes(Xf,100,T_spino[step_T],R,RefFe,RefNi,L0ex,L1ex,L2ex,Tmag,Bmag,p_fcc,A_fcc,Nv,Na)
>     Diff = Mob*d2G
>     K = 2.0*kappa[step_T]
>     eq = TransientTerm(coeff=1.) == DiffusionTerm(Diff) -
> DiffusionTerm(coeff=(Mob, K))
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