David -

The problem is here:

   diffCoeff.constrain(0., mesh.facesLeft)

It doesn't mean anything to constrain a Variable at particular faces. A 
Variable doesn't exist on a mesh; it's just a value.

You can either do 

   diffCoeff=CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=1.)
   diffCoeff.constrain(0., mesh.facesLeft)



and leave off the constraint.

Taking the divergence 51 faces to get 50 cells is not a problem.

DiffusionTerm is declared right here on the page you linked:


DiffusionTerm is an implicit term, which is what you usually want. 
ExplicitDiffusionTerm is generally not what you want.

> On Jun 4, 2018, at 11:13 PM, Ollodart, David Bernd <david...@illinois.edu> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a reaction-diffusion equation which has a flux boundary condition 
> dependent on the potential value at the boundary. I have seen in 
> examples.diffusion.mesh1d how to set the boundary conditions to a constant or 
> function of independent variables, but trying to insert the dependent 
> variable, or its face value (evaluated at some face(s)) directly into 
> .constrain does not work. I have seen at 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Ffipy%40nist.gov%2Fmsg00389.html&data=02%7C01%7Cjonathan.guyer%40nist.gov%7Cb48df7e9f52d4b681f4608d5ca9277f3%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C1%7C636637652788127952&sdata=5f05NC56AzhaVB%2BGKg9gncSQTlDSsUQugUfNQzYNRDs%3D&reserved=0
>  a question exactly on this topic but it uses FixedFlux which is now 
> deprecated: https://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/documentation/USAGE.html. But I 
> have problems trying to implement the new methods suggested under "Applying 
> fixed flux boundary conditions". By the way,!
  there seems to be a typo; it should read ExplicitDiffusionTerm(diffCoeff) 
rather than DiffusionCoeff(diffCoeff), there being no DiffusionCoeff() in the 
fipy.terms package: 
> I am first trying to use a constant external flux in the new method, which 
> could be achieved by potential.faceGrad.constrain(1., mesh.facesLeft), then 
> extend it to a potential-dependent flux. I have modified 
> examples.diffusion.mesh1d as below. I define the exterior flux on the whole 
> interior mesh, because the product with mesh.facesLeft makes it only non-zero 
> on the left face. The script is:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from fipy import *
> from scipy.special import erf
> #defining mesh of independent variables
> nx = 50
> dx = 1.
> mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
> timeStepDuration = 0.9*dx**2/(2*1)
> steps = 10
> x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
> t = timeStepDuration * steps
> #setting parameter values
> diffCoeff=Variable(value=1.)
> diffCoeff.constrain(0., mesh.facesLeft)
> #defining solution variable and known analytical
> phi = CellVariable(name="solution variable",
>        mesh=mesh,
>        value=0.)
> #defining boundary conditions
> phi.constrain(1.,mesh.facesRight)
> exteriorFlux = FaceVariable(name="fixed flux",
>        mesh=mesh,
>        value=1.,
>        rank=1)
> #defining governing equations (might be matrix or vector valued for multiple 
> dependent variables)
> eqn = TransientTerm() == ExplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=diffCoeff) + 
> (mesh.facesLeft * exteriorFlux).divergence
> #defining the viewer
> viewer = Viewer(vars=phi,
>        datamin=0.,datamax=1.)
> #iterating through solution
> for step in range(steps):
> eqn.solve(var=phi,dt=timeStepDuration)
>    viewer.plot()
> raw_input("Diffusion profile. Press <return> to proceed...")
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> However, this throws an IndexError: too many indices for array. If i print 
> the product of exteriorFlux and mesh.facesLeft, it is an array of 51 
> elements, the leftmost being 1, the others being 0, which is 1 greater than 
> the size of the array found from mesh.cellCenters which is what the 
> CellVariable is defined on. This error results if one specifies flux on one 
> or both sides of the mesh, the latter being the example provided. Since there 
> is 1 more face than there are cells, this result might be expected for 
> exteriorFlux, but then which mesh should be chosen? Trying to define a 
> different mesh throws an error for the product mesh.facesLeft * exteriorFlux.
> Thank you,
> David Ollodart
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