On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 4:36 PM, Daniel DeSantis <desan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I wanted to run this in a cylindrical coordinate grid, the equation would 
> become:
> Can I just call the following in FiPy to account for this coordinate system 
> change?:
> mesh = CylindricalGrid1D(nx = 100.,Lx = 1., dx = 1./100.)

Yes, that should work. There is a bug (see
https://github.com/usnistgov/fipy/issues/547) when calculating
gradients, but I don't think that applies to diffusion terms.

Jon, is that correct?

> If not, how do I account for the dependent variable when it is not in the 
> differential? Essentially, how do can I put lambda/r in the coefficient etc.?

You can multiply through by r and then split the transient term into
an implicit TransientTerm and a source term. It gives an extra source
term that is dependent on the time step.

> 2) Is the correct way to add a source term simply to write something like:
> eq = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm() + S
> or
> eq = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm() + ImplicitSourceTerm(S)?

Either one. ImplicitSourceTerm implies that the source term is "var *
S", not "S" only, but the "var" is the variable that you're solving
for. To use ImplicitSourceTerm the S should be negative. In your case,
the source does not depend on temperature so you can't use an

> 3) Regarding boundary conditions, I am trying to use a boundary condition 
> that has my dependent variable (T) in the boundary condition. The condition 
> is dT/dr = h(T - Tc), where Tc is a constant. Would this be the correct way 
> to do that? I'm mostly inquiring about writing the dependent variable as 
> T.faceValue...
> T.faceGrad.constrain(h*(T.faceValue - Tc), mesh.facesLeft)

I think that should work. Test it carefully. It's never obvious to me
what the sign should be. Don't trust it though.

Daniel Wheeler

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