I think option 3 is what you want. Before import fipy or anything else, start 
your script with 
import matplotlib

> On Mar 13, 2019, at 9:43 AM, Christoph Margenfeld 
> <c.margenf...@tu-braunschweig.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> as mentioned in the FiPy FAQ, a different Matplotlib backend has to be 
> used when exporting images from the MatplotlibViewer class without any 
> output to the screen.
> From the Matplotlib documentation (at 
> https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmatplotlib.org%2Ftutorials%2Fintroductory%2Fusage.html%23what-is-a-backend&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cjonathan.guyer%40nist.gov%7Cfcdca20d85b343ceac4b08d6a7ba19f0%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C0%7C636880815078320111&amp;sdata=%2B0YF4KH4MUJJcHVjxm5RXUpE%2BYUdSoLLcWEn6HAlmsE%3D&amp;reserved=0),
> there are three ways to select a backend. The first two would involve 
> setting it in a .matplotlibrc file or as an environment variable. 
> However, that would affect all scripts run in that particular 
> environment, which I do not want to do. The third approach is setting 
> matplotlib.use('backend').
> How can I select a Matplotlib backend for a certain MatplotlibViewer 
> without affecting any other scripts run from my environment?
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Christoph Margenfeld
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