When taking the divergence of current density:  divergence.(-mu_p *
grad.potential(x,t) * Pion(x,t)) would the divergence not also be applied
to the Pion term, since it is also a function of x. I essentially applied
the product rule to obtain the `Pion * potential.faceGrad.divergence`
part, which in hindsight should have just been a DiffusionTerm.  This is
how I would derive the  divergence.(-mu_p * grad.potential(x,t) *
Pion(x,t)) as = DiffusionTerm(coeff=-mu_p * Pion, var=potential) +
ConvectionTerm(-mu_p * potential.faceGrad, var = Pion)

Which would just be the drift term for the current density. So, the entire
divergence.(Jp) would be:
DiffusionTerm(coeff=-mu_p * Pion, var=potential) + ConvectionTerm(-mu_p *
potential.faceGrad, var = Pion)  *- DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dp, var=Pion) *
to include the diffusion part.

Please correct me if this is an incorrect understanding, and thank you so

Justin Pothoof
The University of Washington - Department of Chemistry
Pre-Candidacy PhD Student
Ginger Group

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 1:36 PM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <
fipy@nist.gov> wrote:

> Justin -
> A couple of things:
> - Charge Density is not Pion + Nion, it's Pion - Nion
> - What are the terms `Pion * potential.faceGrad.divergence` in
> Pion.equation and `Nion * potential.faceGrad.divergence` in Nion.equation?
> I don't believe they should be there.
> - Your equations are really not coupled. Pion.equation is an implicit
> function of only Pion, Nion.equation is an implicit function of only Nion,
> and potential.equation is an implicit function of only potential. Binding
> these equations together with `&` does not gain you anything. Coupling
> comes from having implicit parts more than one variable in your equations,
> e.g., k_rec * Nion(x,t) * Pion(x,t) could be
> ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=k_rec*Nion) in Pion.equation and
> ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=k_rec*Pion) in Nion.equation. Likewise,
> divergence.(-mu_p * grad.potential(x,t) * Pion(x,t)) can either be
> ConvectionTerm(coeff=-mu_p * potential.faceGrad, var=Pion) or it can be
> DiffusionTerm(coeff=-mu_p * Pion, var=potential).
> - Boundary conditions in FiPy are no-flux by default, so there's no need
> to constrain Pion and Nion.
> - Jon
> ________________________________________
> From: Justin Pothoof <jpoth...@uw.edu>
> Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 2:51 PM
> To: Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed); FIPY
> Subject: Re: Drift Diffusion Equation Setup
> Hi Jon,
> I've been continuing to work on my problem. I've implemented the
> divergence of the current density mathematically into the positive charge
> and negative charge density equations. Now, I'm encountering issues with
> the boundary conditions.. the charges should be flowing towards the center
> of the system, and ultimately recombine, but the issues I'm seeing is that
> the charges are flowing out of the region.  I would like to keep all of the
> charges confined to the system and prevent them from flowing out of the
> left and right boundaries. I've tried implementing neumann boundaries using
> Pion.faceGrad.constrain(0., where=mesh.exteriorFaces) and the negative
> charge version, but I'm still seeing the charges flow mostly out of the
> system.  I would appreciate any help!
> Thank you,
> Justin
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from scipy import special
> from fipy import Variable, FaceVariable, CellVariable, Grid1D,
> ExplicitDiffusionTerm, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm, Viewer,
> ImplicitSourceTerm, ConvectionTerm
> from fipy.tools import numerix
> ##########################################################
> #################''' SET-UP PARAMETERS '''################
> ##########################################################
> a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2 = [1.07114255e+00,  6.50014631e+05, -4.51527221e+00,
> 1.04633414e+00,
>   1.99708312e+05, -1.52479293e+00]
> # Parameters for sum of sines fit (Potential fit)
> #a = -3930.03590805
> #b, c = 3049.38274411, -4.01434474
> # Parameters for exponential fit (Charge Density)  Not used yet
> q = 1.602e-19                #Elementary Charge
> pini = 154.1581560721245/q   #m^-3
> nini = -134.95618729/q       #m^-3
> k1 = 1.8
> p1 = 17
> k2 = 17
> p2 = 1.8
> # Parameters for charge density fit (Susi's fit)
> l = 0.0000134901960784314 #Length of system in m
> nx = 134                  #Number of cells in system
> dx = l/nx                 #Length of each cell in m
> x = np.linspace(0,l,nx)   #Array to calculate initial values in functions
> below
> epsilon_r = 25                #Relative permittivity of system
> epsilon = epsilon_r*8.854e-12 #Permittivity of system  C/V*m
> kb = 1.38e-23                 #J/K
> T = 298                       #K
> f = kb*T/q                    #Volts
> mu_n = 1.1e-09/10000          #m^2/V*s
> mu_p = 1.1e-09/10000          #m^2/V*s
> Dn = f * mu_n                 #m^2/s
> Dp = f * mu_p                 #m^2/s
> k_rec = q*(mu_n+mu_p)/(2*epsilon)*10
> #k_rec = 0
> #pini*np.exp(a*x)
> #nini*np.exp(b*x+c)           #Equations for exponential charge density
> fits (Not Used Yet)
> ##################################################################
> ##############''' INITIAL CONDITION FUNCTIONS '''#################
> ##################################################################
> def y01(x):
>     """Initial positive ion charge density"""
>     return
> pini*((special.gamma(k1+p1))/(special.gamma(k1)*special.gamma(p1))*((x/l)**(k1-1))*(1-(x/l))**(p1-1))/7.3572
> def y02(x):
>     """"Initial negative ion charge density"""
>     return
> nini*((special.gamma(k2+p2))/(special.gamma(k2)*special.gamma(p2))*((x/l)**(k2-1))*(1-(x/l))**(p2-1))/7.3572
> def y03(x):
>     """Initial potential"""
>     return a1*np.sin(b1*x+c1) + a2*np.sin(b2*x+c2)
> mesh = Grid1D(dx=dx, nx=nx) #Establish mesh in how many dimensions
> necessary
> ##############################################################################
> '''####################
> ##############################################################################
> #CellVariable - defines the variables that you want to solve for:
> '''Initial value can be established when defining the variable, or later
> using 'var.value ='
>    Value defaults to zero if not defined'''
> Pion = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Positive ion Charge Density',
> value=y01(x))
> Nion = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Negative ion Charge Density',
> value=y02(x))
> potential = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Potential', value=y03(x))
> '''Equations to solve for each varible must be defined:
>   -TransientTerm = dvar/dt
>   -ConvectionTerm = dvar/dx
>   -DiffusionTerm = d^2var/dx^2
>   -Source terms can be described as they would appear mathematically
> Notes:  coeff = terms that are multiplied by the Term.. must be rank-1
> FaceVariable for ConvectionTerm
>         "var" must be defined for each Term if they are not all the
> variable being solved for,
>         otherwise will see "fipy.terms.ExplicitVariableError: Terms with
> explicit Variables cannot mix with Terms with implicit Variables." '''
> #In English:  dPion/dt = -1/q * divergence.Jp(x,t) - k_rec * Nion(x,t) *
> Pion(x,t) where
> #             Jp = q * mu_p * E(x,t) * Pion(x,t) - q * Dp *
> grad.Pion(x,t)         and     E(x,t) = -grad.potential(x,t)
> # Continuity Equation
> Pion.equation = TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=Pion) == mu_p *
> (ConvectionTerm(coeff=potential.faceGrad,var=Pion) + Pion *
> potential.faceGrad.divergence) + DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dp,var=Pion) -
> k_rec*Pion*Nion
> #In English:  dNion/dt = 1/q * divergence.Jn(x,t) - k_rec * Nion(x,t) *
> Pion(x,t)   where
> #             Jn = q * mu_n * E(x,t) * Nion(x,t) - q * Dn *
> grad.Nion(x,t)         and     E(x,t) = -grad.potential(x,t)
> # Continuity Equation
> Nion.equation = TransientTerm(coeff=1, var=Nion) == -mu_n *
> (ConvectionTerm(coeff=potential.faceGrad,var=Nion) + Nion *
> potential.faceGrad.divergence) + DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dn,var=Nion) -
> k_rec*Pion*Nion
> #In English:  d^2potential/dx^2 = -q/epsilon * Charge_Density      and
>  Charge Density = Pion + Nion
> # Poisson's Equation
> potential.equation = DiffusionTerm(coeff=1, var=potential) ==
> (-q/epsilon)*(Pion + Nion)
> ################################################################
> ##################''' BOUNDARY CONDITIONS '''###################
> ################################################################
> Pion.faceGrad.constrain(0., where=mesh.exteriorFaces)  #dPion/dx = 0 at
> the exterior faces of the mesh
> Nion.faceGrad.constrain(0., where=mesh.exteriorFaces)  #dNion/dx = 0 at
> the exterior faces of the mesh
> potential.constrain(0., where=mesh.exteriorFaces)      #potential = 0 at
> the exterior faces of the mesh
> ################################################################
> #################''' SOLVE EQUATIONS '''########################
> ################################################################
> eq = Pion.equation & Nion.equation & potential.equation  #Couple all of
> the equations together
> steps = 100  #How many time steps to take
> dt = 1       #How long each time step is in seconds
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     #viewer = Viewer(vars=(potential,),datamin=-1.1,datamax=1.1)  #Sets up
> viewer for the potential with y-axis limits
>     viewer = Viewer(vars=(Pion,),datamin=0,datamax=1e21)        #Sets up
> viewer for negative ion density with y-axis limits
>     #viewer = Viewer(vars=(Nion,),datamin=-1e21,datamax=0)       #Sets up
> viewer for positive ion density  with y-axis limits
> for steps in range(steps):   #Time loop to step through
>     eq.solve(dt=dt)          #Solves all coupled equation with timestep dt
>     if __name__ == '__main__':
>         viewer.plot()        #Plots results using matplotlib
>         plt.pause(1)         #Pauses each frame for n amount of time
>         #plt.autoscale()     #Autoscale axes if necessary
> Justin Pothoof
> The University of Washington - Department of Chemistry
> Pre-Candidacy PhD Student
> Ginger Group
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 10:50 AM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <
> fipy@nist.gov<mailto:fipy@nist.gov>> wrote:
> A current density or flux is a rank-1 variable, typically defined on face
> centers. Your expression
> J_n = -mu_n * n.harmonicFaceValue * phi.faceGrad + D_n * n.faceGrad
> appropriately declares a rank-1 FaceVariable.
> If you attempt to assign this value to a CellVariable, FiPy complains
> because face centers don't coincide with cell centers.
> Solution variables in FiPy must be CellVariable objects. This is fine,
> because you don't solve for J_n.
> The intention of my earlier suggestion was that you should
> *mathematically* combine your expressions for J_n and dn/dt to obtain a 2nd
> order PDE for dn/dt in terms of CellVariables you know, like n, p, and V.
> > On Jul 25, 2019, at 5:15 PM, Justin Pothoof <jpoth...@uw.edu<mailto:
> jpoth...@uw.edu>> wrote:
> >
> > Great, that makes a lot of sense!
> >
> > I've tried to define the current density as a CellVariable with the
> value J_n = -mu_n * n.harmonicFaceValue * phi.faceGrad + D_n * n.faceGrad
> > as I've seen you describe in the mailing list before.  But, I keep
> encountering the error "ValueError: could not broadcast input array from
> shape (135) into shape (134)" with my mesh defined as length of 134.
> >
> > I believe this is caused by the harmonicFaceValue, though I am not sure?
> >
> > Would the following definition for current density also work:  J_p.value
> = -mu_p * p * psi.arithmeticFaceValue.divergence + Dn *
> p.aritmeticFaceValue.divergence
> >
> > I apologize for the multiple questions and I'm very grateful for your
> help!
> > Justin
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:55 AM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <
> fipy@nist.gov<mailto:fipy@nist.gov>> wrote:
> > Justin -
> >
> > I would define a function that takes an argument x for each of your
> analytical expressions, e.g.,
> >
> > ```
> > def y01(x):
> >     """Initial positive ion charge density"""
> >     return
> pini*((special.gamma(k1+p1))/(special.gamma(k1)*special.gamma(p1))*((x/l)**(k1-1))*(1-(x/l))**(p1-1))/7.3572
> >
> > def y02(x):
> >     """"Initial negative ion charge density"""
> >     return
> nini*((special.gamma(k2+p2))/(special.gamma(k2)*special.gamma(p2))*((x/l)**(k2-1))*(1-(x/l))**(p2-1))/7.3572
> >
> > def y03(x):
> >     """Initial potential"""
> >     return a1*np.sin(b1*x+c1) + a2*np.sin(b2*x+c2)
> > ```
> >
> > Then you can invoke these functions with either the linspace to generate
> plots like you have, or with the mesh positions, to set the initial
> conditions:
> >
> > ```
> > Pion.value = y01(mesh.x)
> > Nion.value = y02(mesh.x)
> > potential.value = y03(mesh.x)
> > ```
> >
> > - Jon
> >
> > > On Jul 24, 2019, at 1:23 PM, Justin Pothoof <jpoth...@uw.edu<mailto:
> jpoth...@uw.edu>> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thank you Jon,
> > >
> > > I will try writing it in one equation as you suggested.  Regarding the
> experimental data, I have an initial potential curve described by a sum of
> sines fit as well as initial positive/negative charge density curves
> described by a specific equation I'll show in a file.
> > >
> > > Thanks for the help!
> > > Justin
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 6:06 AM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <
> fipy@nist.gov<mailto:fipy@nist.gov>> wrote:
> > > Justin -
> > >
> > > What that error means is that if you write 'var=' for any Term, then
> you must write 'var=' for every Term.
> > >
> > > In your equations:
> > >
> > > ```
> > > Pion.equation = TransientTerm() + k_rec * Pion * Nion +
> ConvectionTerm(coeff=1 / q, var=Jp) == 0
> > > Nion.equation = TransientTerm() + k_rec * Pion * Nion +
> ConvectionTerm(coeff=-1 / q, var=Jn) == 0
> > > potential.equation = DiffusionTerm(1 / q * epsilon) + Pion * Nion == 0
> > > Jp.equation = ImplicitSourceTerm() + ConvectionTerm(coeff=-q * mu_p *
> Pion, var=potential) + ConvectionTerm(coeff=-q * Dp, var=Pion) == 0
> > > Jn.equation = ImplicitSourceTerm() + ConvectionTerm(coeff=-q * mu_n *
> Nion, var=potential) + ConvectionTerm(coeff=q * Dn, var=Nion) == 0
> > > ```
> > > FiPy does not know what Variable TransientTerm() applies to in
> Pion.equation and Nion.equation, DiffusionTerm() in potential.equation, nor
> ImplicitSourceTerm() in Jp.equation and Jn.equation.
> > >
> > > As a further point, you should not solve Pion.equation and Jp.equation
> separately nor Nion.equation/Jn.equation. Combine them for a single, second
> order PDE each for n and for p. You will want to take care that, e.g., the
> equation should not be taking the gradient (\nabla) of a vector (Jn), which
> would give you a tensor; rather, the expression should be divergence
> (\nabla\cdot) of a vector (Jn), giving a scalar.
> > >
> > > As to comparing to your experimental data, I'd need to know what form
> it takes to advise further.
> > >
> > > - Jon
> > >
> > > > On Jul 23, 2019, at 9:09 PM, Justin Pothoof <jpoth...@uw.edu<mailto:
> jpoth...@uw.edu>> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > I understand that modeling the drift diffusion equations are very
> challenging, but I'm having issues actually writing the equations.  I keep
> encountering the error: "fipy.terms.ExplicitVariableError: Terms with
> explicit Variables cannot mix with Terms with implicit Variables."
> > > >
> > > > Additionally, I have fitted experimental data that describes what
> the initial conditions for my system should be, but I don't know how to
> include that into FiPy.  I would appreciate any guidance that you can
> offer.  I will include a pdf of what the equations I'm trying to write are
> as well as the file I have written thus far.
> > > >
> > > > Thank you,
> > > > Justin
> > > > <FiPy
> Testing.py><Equations.pdf>_______________________________________________
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> > > > http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy
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> ]
> > >
> > >
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> >
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