Glad you found a solution, Marcel.

The issue is that a FaceGradVariable doesn't pickle itself properly. It stores 
the state for a generic FaceVariable, but then it doesn't know how to rebuild 
itself from that.

It either should 
- pickle the correct information, which would also involve pickling phi
- pickle itself as a plain FaceVariable, losing connection to phi on unpickling 
(which is what your solution does)

Do you have an opinion on which behavior you'd like?

> On Dec 20, 2019, at 2:35 AM, Marcel UJI (IMAP) <> wrote:
> Thank you Trevor,
> This works, but it saves the array values only. 
> I found an alternative solution with:
> dump.write({'E' : 
> FaceVariable(mesh=mesh,value=phi.faceGrad,rank=1)},filename='prova.gz',extension='.gz')
> which preserves the FaceVariable character.
> Merry Christmas!
> Marcel
> El 19/12/19 a les 19:04, Keller, Trevor (Fed) via fipy ha escrit:
>> The error message indicates that `` got something unexpected
>> -- namely, a `value` field -- and threw.
>> Naïvely, dumping `phi.faceGrad.value` instea dof `phi.faceGrad`
>> appears to do the trick.
> -- 
> Dr. Marcel Aguilella-Arzo
> Professor Titular d'Universitat, Física Aplicada
> Coordinador de la Subespecialitat de CCEETT del Màster en Professor 
> d'Educació Secundària
> Departament de Física
> Escola Superior de Tecnologia i Ciències Experimentals
> Universitat Jaume I
> Av. Sos Baynat, s/n
> 12071 Castelló de la Plana (Spain)
> +34 964 728 046
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