There are other ways U.S. officials and others are misusing terms. When they use words like "Islamic" or "Muslim" as adjectives, even when the noun modified is a word like "extremist", "militant", "fundamentalist", or whatever, it is taken by much of the world as an attack on Islam. They don't use language the way we do in the West. It is a similar misuse to use such terms as "jihadist", "wahabbist", or "madrassas", in a pejorative way, when what is meant are small groups without larger groups, institutions, or movements, that do not represent the group as a whole, which the smaller group is using as a cover. This plays into the hands of those dangerous groups, and magnifies their influence. We need to caution our officials and others to find terms that are not as inclusive, or have connotations that are likely to be misunderstood and make a bad situation worse.

-- Jon

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