Alan Korwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) asks:
> Request for info:
> Kennesaw, Georgia was first, in 1982, to pass a law requiring
> homeowners to keep a gun handy. Other cities followed suit. I
> believe Virgin, Utah has one, and I recall hearing of others.
> Now Glenn Reynolds, the famous law prof at U. Tenn., and the
> force behind Instapundit (one of the most influential blogs
> on the web), notes that Greenleaf, Idaho has passed such a
> law, Ordinance 208, and he says it's a good thing. He's right.
> I need a list of every city that has such a law, and a copy
> of the law itself. Do you have this, or know where I can find it?
    Any suggestions?  Please e-mail Alan directly.  Thanks,
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