On Jun 8, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Volokh, Eugene wrote:

Is there some set of quotes of sheriffs and police chiefs changing their mind about shall-issue after shall-issue laws were implemented? I'd love to see them (and forward them to someone with whom I was talking about this). Many thanks,

Hm... you asked exactly the same question on 2/12/08, and Joe Olsen responded with this list:

* * *

What Former Opponents Now Say About Right To Carry Reform Legislation

Since that time I have had a change of heart because I think it is working very well. Florida Senator Ron Silver (Leading opponent of Right to Carry Reform) March 21, 1995

I'm detecting that I'm eating a lot of crow on this issue.... I think that says something, that we've gotten to this point in the year and in the third largest city in America there has not been a single charge against anyone that had anything to do with a concealed handgun. John Holmes (Harris County [Houston, TX] District Attorney) December 9, 1996

[Although data was collected from January 1, 1988 until May 31, 1990 by the Metro-Dade Police Department] further research was not conducted due to the small number of ... permit holders found to be involved in incidents during the initial study period.
Fred Taylor (Director, Metro-Dade Police Department September 17, 1991

Police Officials Who Know, Have no Problem With Right to Carry Reform

I am pleased to see the law has worked as anticipated. It is truly a model from which other states should build. Commissioner Edward M. Spooner (former 1st VP of Florida Police Chiefs Association) March 24, 1995

It has impressed me how remarkably responsible the permit holders have been.
Colonel James Wilson (Director Texas Department of Public Safety)

The people who get these concealed handgun licenses are not the people we should be concerned about having firearms; these are law-abiding citizens. Captain F. Sherwood Stillman (Oregon State Police Coordinator) November 4, 1993

Virginia has not turned into Dodge City.  We have not seen a problem.
Jerry Kilgore (Virginia Public Safety Secretary) November 1996

When the [Florida] law was first passed, some people predicted it would be the OK Corral down here. Everyone would have a gun; everybody would be shooting everyone else. But that hasn't happened.
Gerald Arenberg (President, American Police Federation) February 8, 1993

Florida's Concealed Weapon law has been very successful. All major law enforcement groups supported the original legislation and in the 8 years the program has been in place, none of those groups have requested any changes.
John M. Russi (Director Florida Division of Licensing) December 5, 1995

We've had no problems at all. They're [criminals] concerned because they don't know who's got a gun. Why take the chance?
Sheriff B. J. Barnes (Gilford County, North Carolina) December 29, 1996

From everything we've been able to gather, people with permits are not out there committing crimes. The people who do commit the crimes give two hoots and a holler about obtaining a permit.
Major Dean DeJong (Miami Police Department) May 10, 1992

As we had seen in other states ..., the fears of the naysayers have not come to fruition. But the facts speak for themselves. None of those horror stories have materialized.
Sheriff David Williams (Terrant County [Ft. Worth] Texas) July 17, 1996

Police Can't Eliminate Need for Right to Carry Reform

We are very limited in how much we [the police] can protect people.
Chief Dean Mooney (Golden Valley Police Department) February 10, 1996

[The police] are under no general duty to provide...police protection, to any particular individual citizen Warren v. District, 444 A2d 1h, 3h (DC App. 1981), accord Silver v. Minneapolis, 170 NW 2d 206 (Meinen. 1969)

* * *

And, although it doesn't concern CCW, my personal favorite:

       Escape the Rat Race for Peace, Quiet, and Miles of Desert Beauty
         Take a Sanity Break at The Bunkhouse at Liberty Haven Ranch

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