Velly intellesting!  I know there is some data in the Heller 2 pleadings, but 
does anyone have a cite or link to a comprehensive, detailed, one-stop source 
on the numbers and specific types of firearms kept. by Americans?



Ray Kessler

Prof. of  Criminal Justice

Sul Ross State Univ.




[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Background on Heller II


Justice Scalia’s majority opinion in Heller took a categorical approach and 
held the ban to be unconstitutional as a matter of law, without regard to any 
statistics about the effectiveness of “gun laws.”  It was Breyer’s dissent that 
advocates the battle of statistics in which the government always wins.


See our summary judgment briefs, particularly Reply to DC Opposition at 4-6, 
found at  


Statistics are appropriate on whether firearm types are in “common use,” and we 
put on evidence that 2 million AR15s have been produced for the civilian 
market.  But it was enough for the court that a committee report alleged 
“assault weapons” are not in common use to make that finding.  That does not 
even pass the rational basis test.


Stephen P. Halbrook
Attorney at Law
3925 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 403
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tel. (703) 352-7276
Fax (703) 359-0938
Website: <> 


In a message dated 3/30/2010 4:01:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Steve is an historian first and a "gunny" a distant second.  IMHO, he also 
doesn't see the need for appellate lawyers to be political at times.  Gun cases 
are often lost (a la Miller) because the counsel neglects to introduce or at 
least proffer the necessary factual context.  The judge is always going to test 
the suggested rule against various fact patterns dreamed up in his or her mind. 
 You can't stop that but you can present the best context in which to have the 
dreaming up occur.  Brandies brief, anyone?  At least the amici did that in 
both Heller I and McDonald.  They'll be needed even more when this case is 


[quote]Halbrook Faulted in Second Heller Suit: …Stephen P. Halbrook, the 
attorney who filed this suit against the District, correctly argued that gun 
ownership for the purpose of self-defense is a fundamental right. Such rights 
compel the courts to apply a "strict scrutiny" to restrictive laws to ensure 
that they are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest. 
Gun control advocates insist that public safety is just such an interest, but 
Mr. Halbrook declined to cite the direct empirical evidence needed to establish 
a record for higher courts on whether gun control reduces crime. Under strict 
scrutiny, such laws must be struck down unless the District can show that gun 
control is essential to reducing crime rates. Mr. Halbrook's reluctance to cite 
the empirical evidence explicitly linking guns and crime is unfortunate because 
gun control laws have demonstrably failed to yield any of the benefits 
promised. Take the regulations on which Judge Urbina ruled. The evidence shows 
that rules increasing the cost and burdens of handgun ownership make crime more 
likely. Books such as "The Bias Against Guns" and "More Guns, Less Crime" show 
that gunlocks, assault-weapon bans and registration rules do not lower crime 
rates and might instead increase them… Failing to take advantage of this 
powerful evidentiary record weakens the gun rights case in the event that a 
higher court uses a "balancing test" to weigh the arguments. The situation is 
even more precarious as the Obama administration continues to pack the 
appellate courts with anti-gun judges who think like Judge Urbina, a Clinton 
appointee. In many ways, the upcoming Senate elections could be just as 
important to preserving the Second Amendment as they will be about health 




Professor Joseph Olson, J.D., LL.M.                                   o-   
Hamline University School of Law (MS-D2037)                    f-    
St. Paul, MN  55113-1235                                                 c-   

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