See Nelson Lund, /The Ends of Second Amendment Jurisprudence/, 4 Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. 157, 183 n.71 (1999); Nelson Lund, /Outsider Voices on Guns and the Constitution/, 17 Const. Comm. 701, 707-08 & n.28 (2000).

On 4/30/2012 12:09 AM, Joseph E. Olson wrote:
I don't follow Prof. Cornell's career. Has anyone published a rebuttal to his new book or older articles.
Citations would be welcome.
Professor Joseph Olson, J.D., LL.M. o- 651-523-2142 Hamline University School of Law (MS-D2037) f- 651-523-2236 St. Paul, MN 55113-1235 c- 612-865-7956

>>> Lonn C Haas <> 4/29/2012 10:07 PM >>>
Saul Cornell's book was given to me by the very anitgun wife of an old friend after she saw him speak recently at the MN historical society sat lecture series.

Do you have a link handy to the heller documents, specifically what they
submitted that I can share with her?

Can you point me to any other documents that take issue with his views
on the original intent I can also pass on?

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