"Clayton E. Cramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: Gun Statistics Expert John Lott Victim of Identity Theft
> > By "chat room" Lott is referring to Usenet, and, yes, Google Groups
> > lets you search Usenet.  Even if Lott is counting emails as part of
> > the discussion, it still is not credible.  Almost all responses are
> > posted, and emails tend to be more polite, since there is no point in
> > grandstanding.

> If this were true for Lott, it would be the only time in the history
> of USENET that the email was more polite than the stuff in the
> newsgroups--and much of what gets posted in talk.politics.guns is
> incredibly rude.  While the antigun crowd is far more rude in
> talk.politics.guns than the progun side, there are plenty of
> examples on both sides that are embarrassing.

The problem is that you don't seem to notice the rudeness from the
pro-gunners.  The last time we discussed this you had pointed to a
posting where the pro-gunners had been far more rude and described it
as an example of rudeness of antigun folks.


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