
We are repeatedly stumbling upon a problem which apparently looks like one
already discussed in 2010 (about a year ago):


Firebird log shows the messages of the type:

 Index 1 is corrupt (missing entries) in table <XXX> (128)

The problem appears consistently, irrespective of FB version (we see this
with various 2.1.x and 2.5 FB versions), irrespective of the underlying
hardware (we have made tests on several machines, so we believe we can
really safely exclude the possibility of RAM or disk problems). All our FB
installations are running under Windows (Vista and some others).
Apparently the problem shows up only when validation is being done with
some specific software (for instance: IBO console, using "check record
fragments") or via IBX Delphi components. I was apparently *NOT* able to
produce any validation errors by using gfix with either
-validate -full
-validate -full -ignore

It appears that the problem shows up only with massive databases of size
about 40 to 65 GB - we have two such examples. Our databases in question
consist of one massive table and few very small ones. The problem appears
with the primary index of the massive table. This index has six fields of
type varchar, with the total length of 44 characters. There are neither
Null nor blank key fields present in the table. The ODS used is the
highest supported with the used FB version.

Backup and restore have no problems to successfully complete (both
directions work). However, the problem does not go away. The problem is
obviously connected to the building of the index and not to the basic
table: index may be dropped, whereupon no validation problems appear. As
soon as the index is recreated, the subsequent validation reports the same

The table in question has many insertions and deletions in productive use,
invoked only from a single connection. Following the phase of intensive
insertions and deletions, comes a "select phase", consisting solely of
selects, possibly but rarely from more than one concurrent connection.

We actually haven't noticed any data loss or other abnormalities. However,
we are not happy to see these validation results and would like to know if
we can do something in some other way in order to avoid that, or if we can
perhaps somehow help developers to pinpoint the issue (if this is a FB
issue at all). Unfortunately, we must not provide the data itself.

Thank you for any suggestions!

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