09.05.2011 14:06, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> All metadata objects moved into Attachment. Metadata syncronization is guarded
> by attachment's mutex now. Database::SyncGuard and company are replaced by
> corresponding Attachment::XXX classes.
> To make AST's work we need to release attachment mutex sometimes. This is very
> important change after v2.5 : in v2.5 attachment mutex is locked during whole 
> duration
> of API call and no other API call (except of asynchronous 
> fb_cancel_operation) could work
> with "busy" attachment. In v3 this rule is not worked anymore. So, now we 
> could run more
> that one API call on the same attachment (of course not really 
> simultaneously). I'm not
> sure it is safe but not disabled it so far.

Are there other reasons (besides AST delivery and possible 
per-attachment parallelism) to have checkouts?

> To make asynchronous detach safe i introduced att_use_count counter which is
> incremented each time when API call is entered and decremented on exit. detach
> now marks attachment as shutdown and waits for att_use_count == 0 before
> processing.

How is it done? Sleeping/timeouts inside the spin loop?

> Also it seems this counter make obsolete att_in_use member as detach call 
> should wait
> for att_use_count == 0 and drop call should return "object is in use" if 
> att_use_count != 0.


> All AST's related to attachment-level objects should take attachment mutex 
> before
> access attachment internals. This is implemented but not tested !

Are there any database-level ASTs known to implicitly access the 
attachments? When should they lock the appropriate mutex?

> Transaction inventory pages cache (TIP cache) was reworked and is shared by 
> all
> attachments.

What other layers (besides TPC, CCH and supposedly PIO) are kept in the 
shared Database class?

> To avoid contention on common dbb_pool its usage was replaced by att_pool when
> possible. To make this task slightly easy there was introduced 
> jrd_rel::rel_pool which
> is points currently to the attachment's pool. All relation's "sub-objects" 
> (such as
> formats, fields, etc) is allocated using rel_pool (it was dbb_pool before). 
> When we'll
> return metadata objects back to the Database it will be easy to redirect 
> rel_pool to
> dbb_pool at one place in code instead of makeing tens of small changes again.

Good idea. What about going even further and renaming it to meta_pool 
and then switching procedures/functions/triggers to this pool as well?

> In configuration file there are two new settings :
> a) SharedCache - boolean value which rules the page cache mode
> b) SharedDatabase - boolean value which which rules the database file open 
> mode.

Do we really need the SharedCache option in production? I thought it 
would be the only mode available. See below.

> - SharedCache = true, SharedDatabase = false (default mode)
>      this is traditional SuperServer mode when all attachments share page 
> cache and
>      database file is opens in exclusive mode (only one server process could 
> work with
>      database)


> - SharedCache = false, SharedDatabase = true
>      this is Classic mode when each attachment have its own page cache and 
> many
>      server processes could work with the same database.

The Classic mode could be handled by the listener itself. As long as it 
keeps launching one process per connection, there's no difference 
between SharedCache being true or false, as there will always be only 
one Database/Attachment pair per process.

> To run SuperClassic you should use switch -m in command line of firebird.exe
> (on Windows) or run fb_smp_server (on Posix, here i'm not sure and Alex will
> correct me).  Else ClassicServer will run.

This is the only case when we seem needing SharedCache = false. But what 
are the benefits of SuperClassic in v3.0?

> - SharedCache = true, SharedDatabase = true
>      this is completely new mode in which database file could be opened by 
> many
>      server processes and each process could handle many attachments which 
> will
>      share page cache (i.e. per-process page cache).


> - SharedCache = false, SharedDatabase = false
>      Looks like single process with single attachment will be allowed to work 
> with
>      database with such settings. Probably you can find an applications for 
> it ;)

I cannot ;-) SharedCache = true (and possibly single-mode shutdown) does 
the same trick.

> One more change in configuration is that CpuAffinityMask setting changed its
> default value and it is 0 now. It allows new SS to use all available 
> CPU's\cores by
> default.

Does it make sense to keep this option? I see what it could be used for, 
but I'm not really sure anyone intentionally uses affinity in production.


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