
I've faced problems while adding <subj> into trunk.

For procedure parameters, the syntax is:

COMMENT ON PARAMETER <proc name>.<param name> IS <text>

However, procedures and functions have different namespaces, so there 
may be a function and its input parameter with exactly the same names. 
Thus this syntax doesn't look suitable for functions. Other options, as 
I see them, are underneath.

1) Extend the syntax but preserve backward compatibility via default:


if the keyword is omitted, procedure parameter is implied. But user 
mistakes are possible in this case.

2) Introduce a separate keyword:

COMMENT ON ARGUMENT <func name>.<param name>

This matches the system table name (RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS) but we 
already use the keyword PARAMETER in the syntax RETURNS PARAMETER <n> in 
the UDF declaration, so having the same thing named differently doesn't 
look nice.

Any other ideas?


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