----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Steinmaurer" <t...@iblogmanager.com>
To: "For discussion among Firebird Developers" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Firebird-devel] Trace API - Service names in include filter?

>>> the fbtrace.conf sample file has examples on what services names one
>>> can/should use when using e.g. the include filter. I'm not sure if the
>>> following is ok or as designed, thus I'm checking here ...
>>> I want to trace Database Stats and I tried the following include filter
>>> samples:
>>> 1) include_filter %Database Stats%
>>> 2) include_filter Database Stats
>>> 3) include_filter %Stats%
>>> 4) include_filter "Database Stats"
>>> While 3) and 4) gave me a trace for e.g. when querying the header page,
>>> 1) and 2) didn't, which looks a bit weird, especially as:
>>> Database Stats
>>> is mentioned in the fbtrace.conf file.
>>> Is there an inconsistency here somewhere?
>>      The config file parser came from Vulcan and it is more like generic 
>> XML-style
>> parser. It allows to have more than one value for given setting, i.e.
>>      include_filter %Database Stats%
>> is interpreted as
>> setting name : include_filter
>> value1 : %Database
>> value2 : Stats%
>> Caller code (trace plugin config reader) don't look for 2nd and all other 
>> values.
>>      So, i recommend to enclose values with embedded spaces into quotes to 
>> avoid confusion.
> Understood.
> Perhaps this is worth to be mentioned in fbtrace.conf, because one could 
> think, due to the provided list, to use Database Stats (without quotes) 
> etc. as filter?

    Hmm... it was so obvious for me that i even can't imagine such case ;)
I'll edit fbtrace.conf to remove this confusion.
> I'm sorry for being a troll. ;-)

    Its OK, as for me :)


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