On 04/26/2014 08:16 PM, Leyne, Sean wrote:
>> I regularly find myself having to merge two (or more) records referenced by
>> numerous foreign keys... resulting in having to update many tables to
>> perform this merge.  I would find it really useful if there was (and maybe
>> there already is and I just didn't found it) a way to do this in one update
>> (performing the cascade).
>> If I am not the only one who would consider this useful, I will gladly add a
>> ticket for this... I just didn't want to "pollute" the tracker with 
>> something I
>> would be the only one finding it useful.
>> Example : Table Patient with a sequence ID often has duplicate (after two
>> clinics merge or simply data entry error) but has numerous dependant tables
>> referencing this ID.
> I don't think that this is a feature that should be considered.
> There are existing ways to resolve this:
> 1- Rethink your schema, you could treat the "Patient" table as an "Clinic 
> Patient/Alias" table and define a separate "Master Patient" to which each 
> "Clinic Patient/Alias" entry would refer to.  In this way you only have 1 
> level of entries to update.
> 2- create SPs which perform the required updates, based on coded rules for 
> each column/FK.  Yes, this requires that you create/maintain the SPs but you 
> are in control of the operation/scope.
> 3- create an SP which uses system tables to navigate the schema to follow the 
> FK relationships, and performs the necessary updates.  The SP would need the 
> name of the master table to start from, the name of the column to be updated, 
> the original key value and the new key value.

Sean, certainly it's possible to replace almost any of higher than plain 
select/insert/update/delete SQL operators  with some SP (including MERGE 
itself). Certainly as a replacement of missing operators it's a 
solution. But somewhy people like to have things like group by, window 
functions, merge, etc. built-in. A case described here seems to 
realistic and widely used in development. I.e. I would like to say yes, 
it's good suggestion.

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