On 08/29/14 12:58, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 29.08.2014 10:47, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>> I'm afraid you did not understand what Carlos suggests - he only wants
>> to be able to set source field to null like it was possible since fb1
>> times (sooner of all in interbase too). Certainly that's not a method of
>> protecting, but I see no ways how can it cause unexpected NULL result in
>> old app-s - such technique is in use for a long time.
>     You are right. But does it really worth returning of writable system 
> tables or a
> different solution exists?.. Encrypting of sources won't work.

Why? If decrypt key is present only at developer's server - it's not bad 

> Returning of NULL/exception
> to anybody except owner/admins won't work.


> The only way I see - to implement ALTER
> PROCEDURE ERASE SOURCES or something like that.

This will work.

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