On 4-1-2015 10:50, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> I have looked at it closer. The problem seems to be during attach. With
> a 2.5.3 fbclient, it takes +/- 15 milliseconds, with the
> fbclient +/- a second. As it is in attach, it might be related to the
> IPv6 changes. However explicitly specifying instead of
> localhost makes no difference
> This is on Windows 8.1 (64 bit).
> However I haven't checked with the same server version as the client
> yet, will do that now.

When running with against server, the performance is better. 
An attach takes +/- 45 milliseconds. This is still 3x slower than with 
the old fbclient. Looking at netstat, the established connections are IPv6.

Mark Rotteveel

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