Hi all,
I was made litle improovement in record level compresion.

 - significant dabase grow increase after switch to UTF8

 - I was found inefficient algoritmus for compressing zeroes
- I was found, that some control char values are not used

- I add to code ability to pack up 32k of zeroes into 2 bytes
without lossing current features.
- New version can read old database, but when write, old version cannot read.

DB size: DB with WIN2050 character set was packed from 733MB down to 633MB
Restore speed was increase from 3:06 down to 2:55 minutes.
Select operation was litle bit faster (depends on datafield)

I was made changes in actual trunk for version 2.5.4.

Please, review this code and let me know, I is it interesting for Firebird community.

Code is not so well optimized and also more effective and faster algorimus can be used in future.

Best regards Slavek

Ing. Slavomir Skopalik
Executive Head
Elekt Labs s.r.o.
Collection and evaluation of data from machines and laboratories
by means of system MASA (http://www.elektlabs.cz/m2demo)
Elekt Labs s.r.o.
Chaloupky 158
783 72 Velky Tynec
Czech Republic
Mobile: +420 724 207 851
icq:199 118 333

 *      PROGRAM:        JRD Access Method
 *      MODULE:         sqz.cpp
 *      DESCRIPTION:    Record compression/decompression
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
 * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
 * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
 * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
 * Compressed format:
 *   <signed char control_Char> <playload>
          0..127        :               Uncompressed data in payload of length 
          -1            :               128Bytes block of zeroes, payload 
contain one unsigned char, that represents count of these blocks
          -2            :               Reserved for future use
          -128..-3  :           Compressed data, absolute value of 
"Control_Char" represents how many bytes have to be repeted, payload represent 
patern (one byte)

#include "firebird.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "../jrd/common.h"
#include "../jrd/sqz.h"
#include "../jrd/req.h"
#include "../jrd/err_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/gds_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/sqz_proto.h"

using namespace Jrd;

USHORT SQZ_apply_differences(Record* record, const SCHAR* differences, const 
SCHAR* const end)
 *      S Q Z _ a p p l y _ d i f f e r e n c e s
 * Functional description
 *      Apply a differences (delta) to a record.  Return the length.

        if (end - differences > MAX_DIFFERENCES)
                BUGCHECK(176);                  /* msg 176 bad difference 
record */

        SCHAR* p     = (SCHAR*) record->rec_data;
        const SCHAR* const p_end = (SCHAR*) p + record->rec_length;

        while (differences < end && p < p_end)
                const SSHORT l = *differences++;
                if (l > 0)
                        if (p + l > p_end)
                                BUGCHECK(177);  /* msg 177 applied differences 
will not fit in record */
                        if (differences + l > end)
                                BUGCHECK(176);  // msg 176 bad difference record
                        memcpy(p, differences, l);
                        p += l;
                        differences += l;
                        p += -l;

        const USHORT length = (p - (SCHAR *) record->rec_data);

        if (length > record->rec_length || differences < end)
                BUGCHECK(177);                  /* msg 177 applied differences 
will not fit in record */

        return length;

USHORT SQZ_compress(const DataComprControl* dcc, const SCHAR* input, SCHAR* 
output, int space)
 *      S Q Z _ c o m p r e s s
 * Functional description
 *      Compress a string into an area of known length.
 *      If it doesn't fit, throw BUGCHECK error.
        const SCHAR* const start = input;

        const SCHAR* control = dcc->begin();
        const SCHAR* dcc_end = dcc->end();

        while (control < dcc_end)
                if (--space <= 0)
                        if (space == 0)
                                *output = 0;
                        return input - start;
                int length=*control++;
                *output++ = length;
                if (length<0){
                                USHORT n=(UCHAR)*control++;
                                *output++ = n;
                                *output++ = *input;
                                input += (-length) & 255;
                        if ((space -= length) < 0)
                                length += space;
                                output[-1] = length;
                                if (length > 0)
                                        memcpy(output, input, length);
                                        input += length;
                                return input - start;

                        if (length > 0)
                                memcpy(output, input, length);
                                output += length;
                                input += length;

        BUGCHECK(178);  // msg 178 record length inconsistent
        return input - start;   // shut up compiler warning

USHORT SQZ_compress_length(const DataComprControl* dcc, const SCHAR* input, int 
 *      S Q Z _ c o m p r e s s _ l e n g t h
 * Functional description
 *      Same as SQZ_compress without the output.  If it doesn't fit,
 *      return the number of bytes that did.

        const SCHAR* const start = input;

        const SCHAR* control = dcc->begin();
        const SCHAR* dcc_end = dcc->end();

        while (control < dcc_end){
                int length;
                if (--space <= 0)
                        return input - start;
                length = *control++;
                if (length<0){
                                USHORT n=((UCHAR)*control++)*128;
                                input += (-length) & 255;
                        if ((space -= length) < 0)
                                length += space;
                                input += length;
                                return input - start;
                        input += length;

        BUGCHECK(178);  // msg 178 record length inconsistent
        return input - start;   // shut up compiler warning

UCHAR* SQZ_decompress(const UCHAR*      input,
                                          USHORT                length,
                                          UCHAR*                output,
                                          const UCHAR* const    output_end)
 *      S Q Z _ d e c o m p r e s s
 * Functional description
 *      Decompress a compressed string into a buffer.  Return the address
 *      where the output stopped.
        const UCHAR* const last = input + length;

        while (input < last)
                const int len = (signed char) *input++;
                if (len < 0)
                        if (input >= last || (output - len) > output_end)
                                BUGCHECK(179);  /* msg 179 decompression 
overran buffer */
                        ULONG n;
                        UCHAR c;
                        if(len ==-1){                                           
// Decompress 128 bytes long zeroes block
                                n = ((UCHAR)*input++)*128;
                                c = 0;
                                c = *input++;
                                n = -len;                               
                        memset(output, c, n);
                        output += n;
                        if ((output + len) > output_end)
                                BUGCHECK(179);  /* msg 179 decompression 
overran buffer */
                        memcpy(output, input, len);
                        output += len;
                        input += len;

        if (output > output_end)
                BUGCHECK(179);                  /* msg 179 decompression 
overran buffer */

        return output;

USHORT SQZ_no_differences(SCHAR* const out, int length)
 *      S Q Z _ n o _ d i f f e r e n c e s
 * Functional description
 *  Generates differences record marking that there are no differences
        SCHAR* temp = out;
        while (length > 127)
          *temp++ = -127;
          length -= 127;
        if (length) {
          *temp++ = -length;
        return temp - out;

USHORT SQZ_differences(const SCHAR*     rec1,
                                           USHORT       length1,
                                           SCHAR*       rec2,
                                           USHORT       length2,
                                           SCHAR*       out,
                                           int          length)
 *      S Q Z _ d i f f e r e n c e s
 * Functional description
 *      Compute differences between two records.  The difference
 *      record, when applied to the first record, produces the
 *      second record.
 *          difference_record   := <control_string>...
 *          control_string      := <positive_integer> <positive_integer data 
 *                              := <negative_integer>
 *      Return the total length of the differences string.
        SCHAR *p;
        // SLONG l; Moved to the proper scope. Comment immediately below still 
        /* This "l" could be more than 32K since the Old and New records
        could be the same for more than 32K characters.
        MAX record size is currently 64K. Hence it is defined as a SLONG */

#define STUFF(val)      if (out < end) *out++ = val; else return 32000;
 * It returns a large Positive value to indicate to the caller that we ran out
 * of buffer space in the 'out' argument. Thus we could not create a
 * successful differences record. Now it is upto the caller to check the
 * return value of this function and figure out whether the differences record
 * was created or not. Check prepare_update() (JRD/vio.c) for further
 * information. Of course, the size for a 'differences' record is not expected
 * to go near 32000 in the future. If the case arises where we want to store
 * differences record of 32000 bytes and more, please change the return value
 * above to accomodate a failure value.
 * This was investigated as a part of solving bug 10206, bsriram - 25-Feb-1999.

        const SCHAR* const start = out;
        const SCHAR* const end = out + length;
        const SCHAR* const end1 = rec1 + MIN(length1, length2);
        const SCHAR* const end2 = rec2 + length2;

        while (end1 - rec1 > 2)
                if (rec1[0] != rec2[0] || rec1[1] != rec2[1])
                        p = out++;

                        /* cast this to LONG to take care of OS/2 pointer 
                           when rec1 is at the end of a segment, to avoid 
wrapping around */

                        const SCHAR* yellow = (SCHAR *) MIN((U_IPTR) end1, 
((U_IPTR) rec1 + 127)) - 1;
                        while (rec1 <= yellow && (rec1[0] != rec2[0] || (rec1 < 
yellow && rec1[1] != rec2[1])))
                        *p = out - p - 1;
                for (p = rec2; rec1 < end1 && *rec1 == *rec2; rec1++, rec2++)
                SLONG l = p - rec2;
                while (l < -127)
                        l += 127;
                if (l)

        while (rec2 < end2)
                p = out++;

                /* cast this to LONG to take care of OS/2 pointer arithmetic
                   when rec1 is at the end of a segment, to avoid wrapping 
around */

                const SCHAR* yellow = (SCHAR *) MIN((U_IPTR) end2, ((U_IPTR) 
rec2 + 127));
                while (rec2 < yellow)
                *p = out - p - 1;

        return out - start;

void SQZ_fast(const DataComprControl* dcc, const SCHAR* input, SCHAR* output)
 *      S Q Z _ f a s t
 * Functional description
 *      Compress a string into an sufficiently large area.  Don't
 *      check nuttin' -- go for speed, man, raw SPEED!
        const SCHAR* control = dcc->begin();
        const SCHAR* dcc_end = dcc->end();

        while (control < dcc_end)
                const SSHORT length = *control++;
                *output++ = length;
                if (length < 0){
                                UCHAR n=(UCHAR)*control++;
                                *output++ = *input;
                                input -= length;
                else if (length > 0)
                        memcpy(output, input, length);
                        output += length;
                        input += length;

ULONG SQZ_length(const SCHAR* data, ULONG length, DataComprControl* dcc)
 *      S Q Z _ l e n g t h
 * Functional description
 *      Compute the compressed length of a record.  While we're at it, generate
 *      the control string for subsequent compression.

        // allocate buffer big enough for worst case
        SCHAR* control = dcc->getBuffer((length + 1) / 2, false);
        const SCHAR* const end = &data[length];
        length = 0;

        USHORT count;
        USHORT max;
        while ( (count = end - data) )
                const SCHAR* start = data;

                /* Find length of non-compressable run */

                if ((max = count - 1) > 1)
                        do {
                                if (data[0] != data[1] || data[0] != data[2])
                                        count = data - start;
                        } while (--max > 1);
                data = start + count;

                /* Non-compressable runs are limited to 127 bytes */

                while (count)
                        max = MIN(count, 127);
                        length += 1 + max;
                        count -= max;
                        *control++ = max;
                // try to compress long blocks of zeroes
                        const SCHAR* p=data;                    
                        while( (++p<end)&&(*p==0) ); // scan till end
                        int n=p-data;
                                int cnt=n/128;                  // count of 
128byte blocks
                                if(cnt>255)             // limits to 32KB 
                                *control++=-1;                  //control char 
value for long zeroes block
                                length += 2;

                /* Find compressible run.  Compressable runs are limited to 128 
bytes */

                if ((max = MIN(128, end - data)) >= 3)
                        start = data;
                        const SCHAR c = *data;
                                if (*data != c)
                        } while (--max);

                        *control++ = start - data;
                        length += 2;

        // set array size to really used length
        dcc->shrink(control - dcc->begin());

        return length;
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