17.03.2015 12:45, liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl wrote:
> i assign it to whole record not for member by member

   So, you don't know what values should be in what member ?

> but how offsets can hange any in this representation?

   It show us exactly how compiler works

> I should do for one integer "word" alignment
> but for smallint dword
> and for next integer different alignment then for first integer?
> I should gues this or are some rules? Somewhere in FBSource  - that after
> smallint another integer+WordBool should be aligned whith DWord?

   Rules as simple - for simple types alignment is a sizeof this type.

> think about this simplified record declaration - how will you declare this?
> GenRowsInMessage = record
> iValue: Integer;
> iValueNull: WordBool;
> sValue: SmallInt;
> sValueNull: WordBool;
> iValue2: Integer;
> iValue2Null: WordBool;
> end

   Alignments (offsets) of members within record should be:

member          data type       sizeof datatype         offset
iValue          Integer         4                       0
iValueNull      WordBool        2                       4
sValue          SmallInt        2                       6
sValueNull      WordBool        2                       8
iValue2         Integer         4                       12
iValue2Null     WordBool        2                       16

but only if record is *not* packed and declared with {$A+}.

Note, iValue2 have offset 12, not 10 !

   BTW, Delphi docs is not fully consistent, see:


When a record type is declared in the {$A+} state (the default), and when the 
does not include a packed modifier, the type is an unpacked record type, and 
the fields of
the record are aligned for efficient access by the CPU, and according to the 
platform. *The
alignment is controlled by the type of each field. Every data type has an 
inherent alignment,
which is automatically computed by the compiler.* The alignment can be 1, 2, 4, 
or 8, and
represents the byte boundary on which a value of the type must be stored in 
order to provide
the most efficient access.

   This is how C++ compiler works and what we are expected. But

2. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE7/en/Align_fields_%28Delphi%29

The $A directive controls the maximum alignment used by the compiler when 
introducing padding
to align a field.
In the {$A8} or {$A+} state, fields in record types that are declared without 
the packed
modifier and fields in class structures are aligned on quadword boundaries.

   I.e. it is not consistent with link (1). I hope, that {$A+} and {$A8} is not 
the same and
think you should try {$A+} not leaving "default" value


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