Yes, the number of times I have caught out by that little oddity.

On 16/10/15 14:29, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> Which must be present in the end of struct or class
The underlying point is that an sql script parser doesn't have to do a 
complete analysis but does have to break up the text into blocks of text 
that should be passed to an SQL Prepare statement. A simple rule could 
be to use a semi-colon as the block separator - except that that is too 

At the very least, a simple parser has to ignore semi-colons in quoted 
text and comments and ignoring semi-colons inside BEGIN..END blocks is 
not that difficult either. Indeed, exiting the outermost BEGIN..END 
block is a good enough rule for passing the current text block to a 
prepare statement. Requiring a following semi-colon or a '^' is just 
syntactic candy.

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