On 11/9/2015 11:15 AM, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 09.11.2015 16:49, Jim Starkey wrote:
>> For CBC mode, the initialization vector is XORed into the first block of
>> plaintext.  Without this (or something like it), the first 16 bytes of
>> every page would have the same encryption, allowing a mapping from
>> cryptotext to presumed plaintext, possibly leaking useful information.
>     XORing of two known values (or doing whatever similar) won't add more 
> problem for
> attacker because the result also will be a known plaintext. To make plaintext 
> unknown,
> initialization vector also must be unknown.
>     But all this doesn't matter as AES is considered to be practically 
> invulnerable to
> known-plaintext attacks.
It matters because if every page is encrypted with the same key and 
initial state, information can be learned by building a table of first 
blocks.  If two pages have the same encryption, then an attacker knows 
that those pages have common prologs.  This isn't a known plaintext 
attack, but an analysis of cryptotext.  It doesn't do anything towards 
breaking the key, only to extract "leaked" information.

Read about how Enigma and RC4 were broken.  Each was the victim of 
sloppy crypto procedures, not plaintext attacks.

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