On 11/14/2015 06:29 PM, Jim Starkey wrote:
> On 11/14/2015 9:48 AM, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
>> 10.11.2015 10:13, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>>> Does anybody see problems with suggested approach?
>>> If not - I will add a ticket to the tracker for myself.
>>      After a good sleeping on it, I'm sure that verify the key by decrypting 
>> something kept
>> in DB header is a very bad idea. In fact, it provides to everybody one 
>> surely known
>> plain-text and corresponding crypto-text. Effectively it push out of 
>> business any
>> algorithm vulnerable to known-plaintext attack. XOR-ing with any key of any 
>> length would
>> have no use anymore.
> In that case, I suggest that it's a very good idea.  No encryption
> algorithm vulnerable to plaintext -- or anything other than brute force
> -- has no business being used in a database system.  Such algorithms are
> obfuscation, not encryption.
> But since AES-NI appears immune to everything thrown at it in 15 years
> and beats the pants off all rivals in performance, why use anything
> else?  Maybe somebody will find an attack and we'll all have to find new
> algorithms

Presence of one surely known plain-text and corresponding encrypted text 
will be of great help to the potential attackers in such a case. May be 
we should better use something not so straightforward - moreover, I'm 
afraid that presence of this known pair will not help some people to use 
good algorithm, they will just cry: "firebird is vulnerable to such 
simple attacks".

Seriously - there are a lot of other ways to validate a key. We may 
store a hash of that key in the header. After getting a key server 
calculates a hash and compares it with one in the header. If they match 
this is enough protection from wrong keys.

> , so the architecture should be capable of phasing in new
> algorithms, but I don't quite see the point of designing for poor
> algorithms.

Possible point is to try to minimize troubles in a case when good 
algorithm becomes poor.

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