I see that something strange happend with my email.
It is broken :(

something happened in place
"ecod version." -< i do not write this and also at the end i see duplicate 
lines, cuts and other strange things. Very strange for me...
I paste below orginal message

please do not touch shadows.
Shadows are used by many organisations. I saw it in almost any of them where i 
do some job for it.
And someone in near past worked on extending its usage e.g. CORE-4955

I agree with you that already existing feature "multi file database" is really 
"Database spaces".
New feature should extend this functionality for "kind of data".

Then in future we will have:
- database spaces
- table spaces

But i also disagree removing "database spaces" and implement only "table 
Both are usefull.
Of course this features can not be used in the same database at the same time.
Only one of them.

But sumarise - i suppose that table spaces are on very lover priority and in my 
personal opinion should not be considered for FB V4 only V5.
I suppose that much usefull things should be implemented first - like clustered 
indexes, table partitioning, partial indexes, cube, rollup, grouping sets, 
R-TREE ...

When i saw that you consider removing multifile database - i have created 
"Database spaces" and feature to "prevent write to database page new data". 
I mean that you restore database with above switch (it explicitly include 
USE_ALL_SPACE switch) and all existing pages are marked as "not modify for new 
data" (below i call it MARKED). 
When something is updated new record version go into new page, and in page 
marked, only allowed operation is remove old record version. 
And now all new/modified data go into new place - eg. into fast accessible 
storage. Old data are on some slow storage. 
I do not write it previously into the tracker because of below reason (look 

But summarize - i suppose that table spaces are on very lover priority and in 
my personal opinion should not be considered for FB V4 only V5.
I suppose that much useful things should be implemented first - like clustered 
indexes, table partitioning, partial indexes, cube, rollup, grouping sets, 
R-TREE ...

Karol Bieniaszewski

W dniu 2016-03-03 09:15:24 użytkownik liviuslivius 
<liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl> napisał:
> Hi,
> please do not touch shadows.
> Shadows are used by many organisations. I saw it in almost any of them where 
> i do some job for it.
> And someone in near past worked on extending its usage e.g. CORE-4955
> I agree with you that already existing feature "multi file database" is 
> really "Database spaces".
> New feature should extend this functionality for "kind of data".
> Then in future we will have:
> - database spaces
> - table spaces
> But i also disagree removing "database spaces" and implement only "table 
> spaces".
> Both are usefull.
> Of course this features can not be used in the same database at the same time.
> Only one of them.
> ecod version.
> And now all new data go into new place - eg. into fast accessible storage. 
> Old data are on some slow storage.
> But sumarise - i suppose that table spaces are on very lover priority and in 
> my personal opinion should not be considered for FB V4 only V5.
> I suppose that much usefull things should be implemented first - like 
> clustered indexes, table partitioning, partial indexes, cube, rollup, 
> grouping sets, R-TREE ...
> When i saw that you consider removing multifile database - i have created 
> CORE-5125.
> I do not write it previously into the tracker because of below reason (look 
> below).
> But summarize - i suppose that table spaces are on very lover priority and in 
> my personal opinion should not be considered for FB V4 only V5.
> I suppose that much useful things should be implemented first - like 
> clustered indexes, table partitioning, partial indexes, cube, rollup, 
> grouping sets, R-TREE ...
> regards,
> Karol Bieniaszewski
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