Em 07/03/2016 08:03, alex escreveu:
> 07.03.2016 13:34, Rudolf Grauberger пишет:
>> Affects all versions of 3.0 (Beta, RC). 
>> Should i create a bug tracker item? It that a part of the component
>> API / Client Library?
> LInux kits _do_ include file include/firebird/Interface.h.
> If it's missing in windows kits that's a bug in windows installer which
> should be fixed.
> Please create platform-specific ticket for windows.

Sorry, I extracted buildroot to another place and saw something broken
in usr/include, instead of look at opt.

Not sure if this symlink will point to right place if installed to
another directory (not sure if that is possible, it's age that I don't
install from the archives).


PS: I don't think include/firebird is the right place for Firebird.pas

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