On 01/15/17 18:32, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 15.01.2017 17:50, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> What is our maximum code right margin?
>> AFAIK it used to be 100 and I remember some discussion to increase it.
>> Some people is thinking it's infinite.
>> I think currently 100 is too low and 120 would be better.
> It used to be 80 and Claudio had suggested to raise it up to 100 (since
> FB3, IIRC).
> Perhaps I could live with 120, but it's pretty close to the limit of my
> personal comfort. Let's see what others think.

80 was reasonable in the epoch of 14" EGA or even better - blackNgreen 
non-graphical ttys ;)

With today 22-24" 16:9 screens use of small width limits cause only one 
effect - most of that screen remains empty. Even with my eyes requiring 
rather large font to work comfortably I have 145 symbols in width in 
favorite text editor. I.e. I would say - 120-140, and if Dmitry prefers 
120 let it be so.

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