05.03.2017 10:56, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> On 4-3-2017 22:52, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>> 04.03.2017 18:36, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>>> I have some problems with using legacy authentication with Firebird 4:
>>> * Using the default existing legacy sysdba/masterke works
>>> * Creating a new user with the Legacy_UserManager (create user ...
>>> password '...' using plugin Legacy_UserManager) or with gsec
>>> (Legacy_UserManager is the first in the list), and trying to login leads
>>> to an authentication failure
>>> * Using gsec to alter the password of the legacy sysdba and then trying
>>> to login leads to an authentication failure (even if I changed to
>>> masterke or masterkey)
>>  >
>>> The above seems to suggest that the Legacy_UserManager is broken when
>>> hashing passwords. Is that a known issue?
>>    Issue seems new for (at least to me). The reason is that hash of encrypted
>> passwords is stored with trailing zero's now (guess it was due to recently
>> introduced support of BINARY chars). See below:


>>    I'll commit a fix to ignore that trailing zero's when hashes is compared.
> Thanks, do you want me to create a ticket?

   As you wish, fix was committed yesterday.

>>> Also curious: initializing the security database for Srp adds two Srp
>>> SYSDBA accounts (but it might always have done that).
>>    I think you mixed two SYSDBA accounts created by different plugins.
>> See below (security4.fdb just copied from gen\dbs\security.fdb) :
> I have done some more digging. I can reproduce it with gsec if I use:
> add sysdba -pw masterkey -admin yes
> not if I use
> add sysdba -pw masterkey
> Similar if I use in ISQL:
> create user sysdba password 'masterkey' grant admin role;
> not if I use
> create user sysdba password 'masterkey';

   Thanks, I'll look at it a bit later


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