On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 14:00:03 +0300 Dmitry Yemanov wrote

> > But whatever happened to the SP debugger?  
> AFAIK, it was never started (although was discussed a bit).

And while on the subject of a debugger for SPs...

There are commercial Stored Procedure debuggers available. And I've
often wondered how they work. Presumably, each statement must be
executed on the client such that the stored procedure's implementation
is actually simulated. So the plans generated by a complex SP
running in a third-party debugger will not necessarily correspond to
the plans generated within the engine during actual execution.

Which leads to a question... How/When are Stored Procedures prepared?
A complex SP can have many different execution paths. Is each
statement prepared as needed for each execution or are all statements
prepared at once, during the initial prepare ?

Paul Reeves
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