On 24/06/2018 15:13, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 24.06.2018 20:09, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> Here is a valid ISQL code with "TERM ;" and "AUTOTERM ON":
>   Check it with packages.

No problem with it, as expected:

SQL> create package pkg
CON> as
CON> begin
CON>     procedure p1 (i1 integer) returns (o1 integer);
CON>     function f1 returns integer;
CON> end;
SQL> create package body pkg
CON> as
CON> begin
CON>     procedure p1 (i1 integer) returns (o1 integer)
CON>     as
CON>     begin
CON>         o1 = i1;
CON>         suspend;
CON>     end
CON>     function f1 returns integer
CON>     as
CON>     begin
CON>         return 2;
CON>     end
CON> end;
SQL> select p.*, pkg.f1() from pkg.p1(0) p;

          O1           F1
============ ============
           0            2


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